About the Journal

Jurnal Jendela Bunda is a blind peer-reviewed journal where every submitted article is reviewed and evaluated by experts or reviewers before a decision is made on its suitability for publication. This journal is specifically dedicated to publishing high-quality research in the field of Early Childhood Education.

With a commitment to quality, Jurnal Jendela Bunda serves as a platform for communication among lecturers, researchers, and professionals to share research findings and innovative ideas in Early Childhood Education. This journal not only functions as a publication platform but also as a medium for the exchange of information and ideas among experts in this field.

All content published in this journal is available online and can be accessed by anyone from anywhere in the world without restrictions. Readers have full freedom to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of each article.

Journal title Jurnal Jendela Bunda Program Studi PG PAUD UMC
Subject Early Childhood Education, Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Language English (preferred), Indonesia
ISSN 2685-564X (online)
Frequency 3 issues per year (April, Agustus, Desember)
DOI Prefix 10.32534/jendelabunda by Crossref
Acreditation Accreditation Sinta 6
Publisher LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon 

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Current Issue

Vol. 12 No. 3 (2024): September-Desember 2024
					View Vol. 12 No. 3 (2024): September-Desember 2024

With great gratitude, we proudly present the latest edition of Jendela Bunda, Volume 12, No. 3, at the close of 2024. This December edition marks a moment of reflection and appreciation for the journey we have undertaken throughout the year. In the spirit of sharing knowledge and inspiration, we bring you a variety of articles relevant to the themes of family, education, and the role of women in shaping future generations. We hope the content in this journal provides value and motivation to our loyal readers. Happy reading!

Published: 2024-12-24


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Jurnal Jendela Bunda is an open-access journal that provides online access to readers worldwide. Readers are entitled to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of all articles published in Jurnal Jendela Bunda without any restrictions or charges.

This journal openly provides a wide range of articles or content, adhering to the principle that all research should be freely available to the public to support the global and broader exchange of knowledge and scientific publication.

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