Pengaruh Pendidikan Seks Mencegah Perilaku Penyimpangan Seksual Pada Kelompok B RA Raudhatul Muta'alimin
Sex education in children is still a taboo subject that is being discussed in society. Whereas the urgency of this education is very great impact in preparing a generation that has a good attitude and emotional maturity towards sex. Moreover, the LGBT phenomenon has started to enter the realm of children. This phenomenon will affect the development of children, one of which is on their behaviour. Therefore, the researcher is interested in conducting research in reveal the influence of sex education given to children aged 5-6 years in preventing sexual deviance behavior (LGBT) in group B at Raudhatul Muta'alaimin, based on the theory of behaviourism Watson (1913) in determining hypothesis. This research is quantitative research, with an experimental research design using the true experiment two group pretest-posttest design. Test instruments and questionnaires were used as data collection techniques. The data analysis technique used simple linear regression test as a hypothesis test with data processing using the SPSS 17.0 for Windows application. In testing the hypothesis, the R Square of 0.672 (67.2%), which shows the percentage of influence between the two variables, namely variable Y occurs can be explained by variable X.
Sex education, Sexual Deviation Behaviour (LGBT), Early ChildhoodReferences
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