About Journal KANDANG
Author Guideline can be downloaded "here"
Indonesian or English title: comprehensive, precise, and short, the title is no more than 20 words including space. Article’s title, chapter’s title, and subchapter’s title are written in bold.
English or Indonesian title: (depends on the first title; if the first title is in Indonesian, the second title is in English.
Name and Author’s Address: complete name is a must, without mentioning university degree or position of job, below the title. Exactly below the name of the author, the address of institution, phone number, and writer’s e-mail address must be written;
Abstract: (Indonesian) maintaining the essence of the article, consisting 100-150 word, and is written in a paragraph without references and citation;
Key Words: key words are placed below the abstract consisting not more than five words or phrases without full stop. Key words must mention the main concepts of the article;
Abstract: (English) maintaining the essence of the article, consisting of 100-150 words, and is written in a paragraph without references or citations;
Key Words: key words are placed below the abstract consisting of not more than five words or phrases without full stop. Key words should present the main concepts of the article.
INTRODUCTION (no subchapters needed): Introduction contains background of the study, explaining the actual phenomenon of the problem studied in the article, supported by references and previous studies that have been done individually or in a group. It must describe the comparison between the article and the previous studies. Introduction contains problem(s) (one focus problem is better), purpose(s) of the study, research significance, and theory used to solve the problem(s). Every resources used in the article must all be cited in the references list.
METHOD: consists of variety of research characteristics, data source, data, data collection technique(s), data collection instrument(s), data collection procedure(s), and analysis method;
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION: presented in a form of subchapters not more than three levels without using numbering. Showing and explaining the main analysis directly to answer research problem(s) and purpose(s) of the study;
Table, graphic, picture, and/or photo (if any) must all be numbered, titled, and noted along with the text’s references. Table and picture must present the result of the study. Table and picture must be presented not more than a page. Table and picture must be well-read and well-printed because the article will be published in white and black (for writers asking for printed publication). Paraphrases of citation, picture, table, etc. uses numbering, for example: “Structure of the news title in Kompas Newspaper is presented in table 4”. Pictures, table, graphic, and pictures must be put as closest as possible to the text which is related. Table should be horizontal or minimizing the use of vertical lines. Every table’s column should include heading.
CONCLUSION: Conclusion must answer the problem(s) and purpose(s) of the study. Conclusion is not in the form of a summary and not a repetition of findings and discussion.
REFERENCES: References should come from 80% of original studies, result of the research, idea, and theory or concept which is published in the electronic journal(s) or paper publication(s). References must be maximum ten years old for, except for classic references as historical data.
About Journal KANDANG