Integration of Character Education through the Implementation of Cooperative Learning Models


  • Merie Agustiani Universitas Baturaja



In the current era of globalization, character education is very important not only to develop abilities but also to shape the character and civilization of the nation dignified one. The essence of character education is what makes teachers able to integrate character education in every learning program. One of them is by applying various learning models in which at the same time can educate and direct students to have good character. Cooperative learning is a learning model that emphasizes collective attitudes or behaviors in working or helping each other in an organized collaboration structure in groups consisting of two or more people. This model is based on cognitive learning theory and social learning theory. This article aims to describe how the cooperative learning model can integrate with character education in the learning process

Keywords: character education; cooperative learning model.




How to Cite

Agustiani, M. (2020). Integration of Character Education through the Implementation of Cooperative Learning Models. Concept : Community Concern for English Pedagogy and Teaching, 6(1), 1–9.