Eksistensi Disabilitas Intelektual dalam Produktivitas Ekonomi Kampung Tunagrahita (Studi Kasus Pada Kampung Tunagrahita Di Dusun Tanggungrejo, Desa Karangpatihan, Kecamatan Balong, Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa Timur)

Munggono Munggono


  • Munggono Munggono Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon





Justice for the whole community is a right that has been normatively regulated. But the society's view of the disabled still constructs it in a different position, even assuming it is less favorable. This not only seems to be the actualization of the crisis of the culture of the people's knowledge, but the influence and the structural polemic. This study aims to explain the existence of Intellectual Disability in Economic Productivity of Kampung Tunagrahita in Tanggungrejo, Karangpatihan Village, Balong District, Ponorogo Regency Jawa Timur through the theory of the body and the madness of Michel Foucault and Economic Moral James Scott.

This study is a single case study. Data are sourced from informants, literature studies, written documents, archives and visual data. Techniques of collecting data using interviews, observation, and documentation. Selection of informants selected purposively based on the classification of sex and status as well as employees of Karangpatihan Urban Village, tourists and private parties. Data validity by source triangulation technique. Data were analyzed with explanatory analysis model.

The results show that the existence of intellectual disability is realized to be responsible for sufficient material and morale needs. Farming is the principal productivity, while crafting mats, raising and farming as subsistence. The reciprocity is built through loyalty and integrity to the internal and external Kampung Tunagrahita supported by the constructive socio-cultural dynamics of the village.The practice of power based on the experience and knowledge of the people (normal people) by forming a worldview, classifying, differentiating, labeling (idiot, muddiness/stress), is not to treat intellectual disability in a position of being isolated, discriminated or marginalized Its existence can build a culture of religiosity, awareness of empathy, awareness to help each other, mutual manjaga and tolerate.

Keywords:Existence, disability, productivity, economy.




How to Cite

Munggono, M. (2018). Eksistensi Disabilitas Intelektual dalam Produktivitas Ekonomi Kampung Tunagrahita (Studi Kasus Pada Kampung Tunagrahita Di Dusun Tanggungrejo, Desa Karangpatihan, Kecamatan Balong, Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa Timur): Munggono Munggono. JIKE : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Efek, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.32534/jike.v1i1.43


