JIKE : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Efek
<p>JIKE: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Efek (p-issn: 2614-0829, e-issn: 2615-7950) is a journal published by Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakults Ilmu Sosial &Ilmu Politik, Universitas Muhamadiyah Cirebon. JIKE receives manuscripts in the study of communication sciences such as: tourism communication, education communication, health communication, political communication, business communication, development communication, public relations, journalism, media studies, learning media, and others.</p> <p>Publish twice a year, (June and December), starting in Vol.1 No.1 edition July-December 2017. Each edition, article received through editing by internal editor. The article will be reviewed by two best partners with a blind peer reviewer. Each article published on JIKE can be downloaded for free by the author and reader.</p>Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebonen-USJIKE : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Efek2614-0829PENGELOLAAN MEDIA SOSIAL INSTAGRAM DALAM DIGITAL BRANDING RADIO REPUBLIK INDONESIA PROGRAMA 3
<p class="AuthorAffiliation" style="text-align: justify;"><em><span style="font-size: 12.0pt;">The development of information and communication technology makes online media, especially social media, a medium utilized by Radio Republik Indonesia Pro 3 as a step for branding in the digital era. This study aims to determine the problem determination, planning, implementation and evaluation carried out by the Radio Republik Indonesia Pro 3 Instagram social media management team in managing Instagram social media in digital branding RRI Pro 3. The theory used in this research is the theory of the four stages of the public relations work process or four step public relations in which it includes some data collection, planning, implementation, and evaluation. The research method used is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. Data collection used in this research is by interview and passive participant observation. Based on the results of field research, it can be concluded that the RRI Pro 3 social media team in managing Instagram social media in digital branding uses a four-stage fact finding process, by finding valid data to determine Instagram content topics. Second planning, planning the type of content that will be created and uploaded on Instagram social media. Third Actions, implementing a team of content creators and admins who upload content. Fourth Evaluations assess the success of the team and the success of the content from the number of visitors to the official RRI website via</span> <span style="font-size: 12.0pt;">Instagram and the number of insigh.</span></em></p> <p class="AuthorAffiliation" style="text-align: left;" align="left"><em><span style="font-size: 12.0pt;">Keywords: Social Media Management, Instagram, RRI Pro 3, Branding</span></em></p>Muthia AzzahraWina Puspita Sari SariAsep Soegiarto Soegiarto
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<p><span class="s10">Public relations in a company need to utilize social media properly so that the benefits can be felt by both the company and the target audience. The use of social media requires a content planning strategy on social media so that the messages presented in the content are conveyed to the target audience optimally. The purpose of this research is to find out how the content planning strategy on the Telkom Health Foundation's social media. The research method used is qualitative. Data and information that can support this research are collected through in-depth interviews, direct observation of content published on Instagram social media, and Instagram content analysis. This research discusses the relationship between </span><span class="s10">Yakes</span><span class="s10"> Telkom's Instagram social media content planning strategy and The Circular Model of </span><span class="s10">SoMe</span><span class="s10">. This research proves that the model is not suitable for content planning strategies on health social media because it requires additional aspects regarding appropriate references and sources.</span></p>Aulia Hermiati PutriMuhammad Al Assad Rohimakumullah
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<p><em>The development of internet technology is a link in the widespread use of social media which results in the wider community being able to easily obtain and share information about a company's products or services through Electronic Word of Mouth activities and content creation. TikTok is one of the most used social media in Indonesia, reaching 113 million users in 2023. It has various interesting features so that TikTok is used by content creators as a platform used to share informative and interactive content, and create Electronic Word of Mouth. Mie Gaga is a brand of instant noodle products produced by PT Jakarana Tama which is widely discussed by netizens due to the viral TikTok AI Storyteller Mie Gaga content uploaded by the @hizkianontiktok account on TikTok social media. This study aims to determine the influence and how much influence Electronic Word of Mouth and TikTok AI Storyteller Mie Gaga Content have on Consumer Attitudes. The method used in this study is quantitative method with descriptive research type. Sampling in this study was using a indikatorprobability sampling method with a type of purposive sampling to 400 respondents through an online questionnaire using Google Form. The results showed that Electronic Word of Mouth and TikTok AI Storyteller Mie Gaga Content had a positive and significant effect on Consumer Attitudes. This can be proven from the value of F<sub>value</sub> > F<sub>table</sub>, which is 68.707 > 3.02 which means H<sub>0</sub> is rejected and H<sub>1</sub> is accepted. And based on the results of the coefficient of determination, which shows that Electronic Word of Mouth and TikTok AI Storyteller Mie Gaga Content have an influence of 25.7% on Consumer Attitudes. </em></p> <p><em> </em></p>ratih hasanahNadia Agustina Rahayu
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2024-07-012024-07-017214315610.32534/jike.v7i2.5831PEMBENTUKAN PERSONAL BRANDING DI MEDIA SOSIAL TIKTOK (Studi pada @dilanjaniyar_2)
<p><em>Personal branding is where someone promotes themselves as a unique brand and has added value in a certain field. Personal branding involves choosing the right platform to promote yourself such as social media. TikTok social media has now become a very popular platform for building personal branding. Dilan Janiyar (@dilanjaniyar_2) built his personal branding through TikTok as an entertainment content creator with his unique skills and humorous and unique behavior as his strengths. The aim of this research is to analyze Dilan Janiyar's personal branding on the content of the TikTok account @dilanjaniyar_2. This research uses a qualitative method with a qualitative descriptive approach. This research is supported by Peter Montoya's eight main concepts of personal branding, 1) specialization, 2) leadership, 3) personality, 4) distinctiveness, 5) visibility, 6) unity, 7) persistence, 8) goodwill. The data collection technique in this research uses three methods such as observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this research can be concluded that Dilan Janiyar's personal branding fulfills the eight main concepts. Having a distinctive and strong character can form a unique and positive self-image from the audience's point of view.</em></p>Rr Imelda Putri MaharaniLisa Mardiana
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<p><em>Promotion is one of the right strategies in delivering communications to consumers. This promotion is one of the activities that can be carried out by companies that are very closely related to obtaining optimal profits. The purpose of this research is to find out and get an overview of the cross-promotion activities carried out by seblak outlets and baso aci champion. This research is descriptive in nature, data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is interactive analysis techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation, and verification conclusions. Apart from the promotion component, promotional activities also occur between online and offline consumers, namely through word of mouth communication, creating outlets and marketing. through via delivery such as gofood, shopefood, and so on</em></p>pingki AmeliaAhmad Muntaha
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2024-07-012024-07-017216717610.32534/jike.v7i2.5356ANALISIS STRATEGI MARKETING PUBLIC RELATIONS DI PT LUNAR CHEMPLAST
<p><em>The productivity level of livestock in Indonesia is still very low. This is marked by a gap between the supply and demand for milk.. This is caused by the lack of business capital and the lack of knowledge or skills of farmers on how to raise livestock properly. Therefore, PT Lunar Chemplast is here to overcome this problem by providing livestock equipment and solutions. This research focuses on the Marketing Public Relations (MPR) strategy of PT Lunar Chemplast in increasing awareness among Indonesian farmers. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis. Data was collected through interviews and observations of one key informant and two informants. Data analysis was carried out through the steps of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study show that PT Lunar Chemplast only uses 6 of the 7 Marketing PR tools: Publications, Events, Sponsorships, News, Public Service Activities, and Identity Media. Pull, push, and pass strategies are also applied to support Marketing PR activities. In addition, PT Lunar Chemplast employs effective communication methods to convey messages and information to farmers. The recommendations given in this study are that PT Lunar Chemplast needs to maximize Marketing PR activities by innovating and activating social media platforms as a means of publication.</em></p>Mintriati HasnaMuria PutrianaAbdul Kholik
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<p><em>Wardah is a beauty brand produced by the company PT Paragon Technology and Innovation. Currently, the increasing competition in the beauty industry makes Wardah increasingly want to maintain its existence as the number one halal beauty product in Indonesia. Especially Wardah's image on social media, Wardah continues to build its image on content on Instagram social media. Therefore, in this research, researchers want to analyze in depth the management of @wardahbeauty Instagram content in improving and building the company's image, especially the halal label. In this research, researchers used qualitative methodology with a literature study approach model, namely to find out about content on social media Instagram @wardahbeauty in managing content on social media. The system used to collect information is done through searching, reading, listening, and taking significant notes from previous research, which comes from books and national journals. Public relations is an important element of a company which aims to ensure a good company image in the eyes of the public. The aim of this research is to find out and analyze what content is carried out on the social media Instagram @wardahbeauty. The model used is two ways symmetric. Content management is to build a halal image of Wardah products and build a good image with the public.</em></p>fiwasifi isyiya fiwaarfian suryasuciramdhansiti nurul aisyahmeiby zulfikarrica anggraini
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<p><em>This research is driven by the urgent need to understand how effective communication approaches can contribute to the success of educational programs for street children, a group often neglected in the formal education system. Street children face various social and economic challenges that hinder their access to quality education. Therefore, understanding the factors that encourage their involvement in learning programs is a crucial step toward addressing educational inequality. In this study, social exchange theory is used as a framework to assess how interactions and social relationships between educators and street children can create a conducive learning environment. The number of street children showing the success of the Komunitas Peduli Anak Jalanan (KPAJ) in regularly mentoring around 170 street children. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach with data collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The research findings indicate that there are five principles of effective communication: Respect is fundamental in this approach, as children feel respected as individuals with voices and rights; Empathy involves community members striving to understand the feelings, experiences, and perspectives of street children; Audible entails the use of a voice that can be clearly heard and understood by the children; Clarity refers to the ability to convey messages clearly and understandably, which is key to building meaningful and productive relationships; and Humility creates an environment that empowers street children to feel heard and valued.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords : Communication, Effective Learning, Street Children</em></p>Nur AlamTuti Bahfiarti Jeanny Maria Fatimah
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<p><em>Pemilihan Presiden Indonesia tahun 2024 merupakan agenda penting bangsa Indonesia dalam menentukan masa depan lima tahun ke depan. Mengingat agenda ini merupakan agenda penting, maka banyak media baik media konvensional dan media sosial memberitakan peristiwa ini. Pemberitaan tidak hanya pada saat pemilihan presiden dilakukan, tetapi juga diberitakan sebelum pemilihan presiden. Di antara media yang memberitakan berita sekitar pemilihan presiden adalah Narasi Newsroom. Media ini tidak hanya memberitakan dalam satu platform melainkan beragam platform di antaranya adalah melalui media sosial Twitter. Hal penting dalam pemberitaan adalah kualitas informasi yang merujuk pada pakem nilai-nilai berita. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan sebuah analisis mengenai kualitas konten pra pemilihan presiden tahun 2024 pada akun twitter Narasi News Room Hasil penelitian dari sebelas konten berita yang berisikan pra tahapan pemilihan presiden, seluruh berita memiliki kualitas berita atau konten berdasarkan pakem nilai-nilai berita. Di antara konten berita yang mendominasi adalah berita dengan nilai berita yang mengandung </em><em>akibat/dampak yang ditimbulkan berita, ketegangan yang ditimbulkan dan pertentangan (conflict). Sedangkan nilai berita yang memiliki nilai berita bernuansa seks tidak ditemukan dalam konten akun twitter Narasi Newsroom.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p>Kata Kunci:Pilpres, Twitter, Kualitas Berita</p>Ahmad YusronIda Ri'aeniLaila Mutia Munura
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<p><em>This research aims to analyze the sentiment of X platform users towards the use of the keyword "Prabowo Gemoy" as a personal branding strategy for Prabowo Subianto in the context of the 2024 Presidential Election. By employing a mixed-method approach that combines qualitative and quantitative methods, this study explores public perceptions of Prabowo's efforts to build an image that is closer to young voters through the "Prabowo Gemoy" branding. Data were collected from the X platform using the keyword "Prabowo Gemoy" during the period of 01/12/2023 to 13/02/2024, resulting in 517 data points that were analyzed quantitatively to measure sentiment statistics and communication networks, as well as qualitatively through text analysis to understand the context behind the sentiments. The results of the sentiment analysis show a dominance of positive sentiment (65.38%), followed by neutral sentiment (22.05%), and negative sentiment (12.57%), indicating that the "Prabowo Gemoy" branding strategy has been well-received by most X platform users. Furthermore, the influencer analysis revealed key users who have significant influence in disseminating related content, while the word cloud visualization identified dominant keywords in the discussions. These findings provide valuable insights for Prabowo Subianto's campaign team to refine their branding strategy and content dissemination on social media in an effort to reach young voters.</em></p>Diding BajuriAtef FahrudinCindy Alya Nurmeilani
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