Pengelolaan Media Sosial Instagram dan Twitter @lipiindonesia sebagai Media Komunikasi Hasil Riset
This study examines the management of social media Instagram and Twitter @lipiindonesia which are used as science communication media by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). The purpose of this study is to find out how the communication strategy with the internal and external public has been carried out in managing social media, as well as how the criteria for content that are considered worthy of upload and unique by social media team. This study was conducted to determine the efforts to manage social media through communication so that the science communication process runs effectively and to find out the criteria for content that it can attract followers. The research method used is qualitative with case study method. The results of this study are, the team has a communication strategy that has been carried out with the internal and external public so that the process of creating scientific content and communicating research results can be maximized. The manager sets criteria for Instagram and Twitter content to be uploaded. The determination of these criteria is based on media monitoring that is routinely carried out by the manager. The existence of a communication strategy that was carried out and the process of determining the criteria made Instagram and Twitter @lipiindonesia social media to have the highest number of followers among institutions under the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).