Keterlibatan Komunitas Dalam Perkembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Cirebon Melalui Perspektif Ekonomi Pembangunan
The presence of New Media is not only limited to information exchange, but media to involve many components of society to participate in the welfare of society in one geographical area, namely the development of the creative economy in Cirebon City. This research explores and analyzes the content (Content Analysis) of one of the social media Instagram to see community engagement through a series of online news on Instagram, especially in the creative economy sector. The results of the study indicate that the role of social media Instagram in terms of content analysis has a major impact and influence on the economic development in the city of Cirebon in terms of opinions, invitations, education of some Instagram account users because it is seen that there is community engagement in several uploads to promote Cirebon as a service city in Indonesia . The participation of business actors / entrepreneurs makes a major contribution to the development economy and creative economy because of the findings and the many entrepreneurs in Cirebon city have goods and services with their own uniqueness and the large use of Instagram social media as one of the uses of technology seen from Rostow's economic theory of development. It is concluded that the number of entrepreneurs a