Pola Komunikasi Organisasi Back Office Irwan Team Hair Design saat Pandemi COVID-19
COVID-19 Pandemic forces organization to make adjustment and adaptation for the organization continuity. To follow the government rules, many organizations have to implement the protocol to help reduce the spreadness of COVID-19 so many organizations implements the new way of working, which is Work From Home (WFH). One of the many organizations who uses the Work From Home (WFH) is back office Irwan Team Hair Design. Irwan Team Hair design is a organization which focuses on the beauty industry, such as hair salon. This research has a main purpose to identify the pattern of organizational communication of the Irwan Team Hair Design’s back office. This is a qualitative research which uses the employee as a main informant. This research also uses interpretive paradigm or constructivism. The pattern of organizational communication that they use is the circle pattern, where many employees can tell the information, but in a limited way. There are also obstacle, that is physical and semantics.
Keywords: Work From Home (WFH), Communication Network Pattern, Organizational Communication