About the Journal

   Southeast Asia Ministers of Education Organisation Regional Center for Early Childhood Care & Education and Parenting (SEAMEO CECCEP) will conduct The 2nd International Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) and Parenting education for redefining the ECE learning strategies in the post-pandemic era. In cooperation with Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon, SEAMEO CECCEP will be hold at Patra hotel, Cirebon, West Java Indonesia, on 16-18 November 2021.

    Currently, the whole world is facing an outbreak of the Corona Virus or COVID-19. This virus has been officially declared a global pandemic by WHO in March 2020. This pandemic has affected many sectors, such as education. This makes the government and related institutions in many countries present an alternative educational process for students by teaching distance learning or online learning from home with parental assistance. The implementation of distance and learning from home policies is a problem for early childhood education because they are closely related to playing, gathering, and interacting with one another.

Teacher and education practitioners from both public and private sectors have been conducting studies and collecting data on this issue, however not all of them are yet implemented due to limitation of sources and access. This conference will be one of the platforms for them to present their findings and create a more comprehensive discussion among SEAMEO CECCEP’s stakeholders on providing what is best for ECE after this COVID-19 comes to an end.

We’re highly anticipating this congress and we’re very much welcome you to participate.