The Effect of Task Based Learning Method on Students’ Writing Advertisement Text at Eightgrade of SMPN 1 Badiri in 2022/2023 Academic Year


  • Asriani Hasibuan Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan
  • Gabby Maureen Pricilia
  • Derlina Sari Rambe
  • Sri Rahayu Silalahi



The purposes of this research are to find out: 1) the extent of using task-based learning
method in teaching writing advertisement text at the eighthgrade students of SMP
Negeri1 Badiri. 2) the extent of the students’ writing advertisement text before and after
using task-based learning method on students’ writing advertisement text ability at the
eighthgrade students of SMP Negeri 1 Badiri. 3) whether there is a significant effect of
using task-based learning method on students’ writing advertisement text ability at the
eighthgrade students of SMP Negeri 1 Badiri. The population of this research were all the
eighthgrade students of SMP Negeri 1 Badiri totaling 242 students. The sample was the
class VIII4 students, which consist of 32 students who were taken by purposive sampling.
The data collected by using observation sheet and test. The results of this research: 1)
The use of task-based learning method was 3.6, it was categorized “very good”. 2) The
mean score of the students’ writing advertisement text ability before using task-based
learning method was 54.12, it was categorized “bad”. Meanwhile, after using task-based
learning method was 85.4 it was categorized “very good”. 3) the results of data analysis
showed that the ttest is higher than ttable (ttest 15.52> ttable 2.04). The hypothesis was
accepted. It means that there is a significant effect of tas-based learning method on
students’ writing advertisement text ability at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri1 Badiri in
2022/2023 academic year

Kata Kunci:

Task-Based Learning Method, Writing Advertisement Text





