The Correlation between critical thinking and students' writing descriptive text


  • Siti Hamidah universitas potensi utama medan




Hamidah, Siti. 2023. Correlation between Critical Thinking and Students' Writing Descriptive Text. English Education Study Program, Potensi Utama University Medan. Advisor: Enni Maisaroh, S.Pd, M.Hum.

The purpose of this research is to identify whether there is a significant correlation between critical thinking and students' writing descriptive text. And to determine whether there is a significant influence of students' critical thinking on students' writing descriptive text. This research was conducted through a non-experimental quantitative research design. The subjects of this study were the seventh-grade students at SMPS Al-Washliyah 26 consisting of 30 students. The instrument used to collect quantitative data was to provide 44 multiple choice questions as a testing of students' critical thinking and writing essays as a testing of students' abilities in writing descriptive texts. Based on the analysis of the correlation coefficient, a weak relationship was found between critical thinking and students' writing descriptive text with  Pearson correlation value of .328. With p.value was higher than p.table (.076 > .05), no significant correlation was found between critical thinking and students' writing descriptive text. It means there is also no influence of critical thinking on students' writing descriptive text. This is proven based on the regression analysis which shows that r.value was less than r.table (1,840 < 2,048). Thus, it can be concluded that there is no significant correlation between critical thinking and students' writing descriptive text of the seventh-grade students in SMPS Al-Washliyah 26.


Keywords: correlation, critical thinking, writing descriptive text, regression analysis

Kata Kunci:

Correlation, critical thinking, descriptive text, regression analysis





