The use of translation machine on EFL high vocational students’ writing
This article is about using of the machine translation on EFL students’ writing ability. The writer tries to analyze the students into high vocational students that need more knowledge and skill in English usage in the workplace it means that they also need more experience in English as Specific Purposes (ESP). The combination between EFL and ESP will be seen in vocational education in which the writing activity of the English can be supported by computer as the translation using machine. Machine translation has many users in the world and the discussion of using it become an interesting object within EFL learning activity and it becomes special study on helping students’ writing ability. Keeping up with the developments, machine translation day by day has become popular in the English as Foreign Language (EFL) Students. There is various vendor of machine translation but the most popular are from two corporation are Google and Microsoft. Both are the most machine translation used by people in the world. Nowadays, music can be easy to be heard across the globe in industrial entertainment. Especially for people or students who enjoy music, they can write easily helped by machine translation, someone will understand the meaning or information that include in the lyrics, book, newspaper, etc. This article will discuss about EFL students in around the world not only from Indonesia as the effect of using computerized translation on EFL high vocational students’ nowadays.