Prosiding FKIP UMC en-US [email protected] (FKIP) [email protected] (FKIP) Mon, 05 Feb 2024 07:19:55 +0700 OJS 60 ANALISIS PENGGUNAAN MEDIA GAME EDUKATIF PUZZLE DALAM MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA PADA MATA PELAJARAN IPA KELAS II SDN 1 GEYONGAN <p>This study aims to test the effectiveness of using puzzle media in increasing students' learning interest in Class II SDN 1 Geyongan, Cirebon. This study uses the FGD (Focus Group Discussion) research method, a data collection technique that is generally carried out by qualitative researchers with the aim of finding the meaning of a theme according to the understanding of a group used qualitative research with a case study approach. The research subjects were grade II students at SDN 1 Geyongan. Data was collected through observation, interviews, document studies, and other methods. Data were analyzed by the steps of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, inference, and verification. The findings in the field show that based on the results obtained the average score of the student questionnaire as a whole on student learning motivation reached 30.27 with a weak interpretation. Based on the results of the average total score of the questionnaire as a whole for science learning using learning media, educational puzzle games, motivation to learn, that is, it reaches 6.96% and can be stated as good. So it can be concluded that overall the use of learning media is very positive for increasing student motivation in class II. very interesting student learning interest in these subjects. Teachers are actively involved in the learning process so that students become active and do not feel bored. The use of puzzle media in science learning increases the motivation of students' interest in learning, which can be seen from the increase in the percentage of indicators of student interest in learning.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Keyword : Motivational analysis, educational puzzle game</p> Abid Rifqi, Eliya Rochmah, Ha Hanikah Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 PERAN GURU DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN KARAKTER SISWA DI SD MUHAMMADIYAH 01 KOTA CIREBON <p><em>Character education is a major issue in national education in Indonesia, the urgency of character education in this study is carried out at the elementary school level, because at the age of 6-12 years is the right phase and the first step to instill character education in children. So as a whole the teacher has carried out these five roles to achieve the vision at SDI Muhammadiyah 01 Kota Cirebon which is closely related to the character education of students, one of which is the printing of noble genarations. The embedded character values of the teacher's role are religious, honest, tolerant, disciplined, hard work, creative, and responsible. This is in accordance with the character values according to the Government in the Research and Development agency, Curriculum Center of the Ministry of National Education.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: </em><em>teacher's role, character education, students</em></p> Adzra Altraf Hasanah, Rifki Ardiasyah, Sati Sati, Teguh Hamdani Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PEMBELAJARAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE EKSPERIMEN PADA PERUBAHAN WUJUD BENDA (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas pada Pembelajaran IPA di Kelas IV SD Negeri II Japura Kidul Kecamatan Astanajapura Kabupaten Cirebon) <p><em>The present study aims to investigate students’ learning outcomes through experimental method. this study employs classroom action research (CAR). Twenty students were chosen as the participants in this study. This research was conducted in two meetings and each cycle consisted of four stages, namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The finding indicar that in the first cycle of action, 15 students who completed the study were obtained with 75% mastery, and 65% of the observations of student learning activities. In the action cycle II, it was found that 18 students completed the study with 90% completeness and the observation of student learning activities reached 87.5%, thus, it can be concluded that learning using the experimental method can improve the learning outcomes of fourth grade students on material changes in the shape of objects at SDN 2 Japura Kidul.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Learning Outcomes, Experimental Methods, Changes in the Form of Objects.</em></p> Ainun Nahdiyah, Dianasari Dianasari, Widia Nur Jannah Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 UPAYA MENINGKATKAN MINAT BELAJAR SISWA DENGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN POWER POINT DI SDN BIMA KOTA CIREBON <p><em>This study aims to examine the use of power point learning media in increasing student interest in learning at SDN Bima, Cirebon City. The research method used is qualitative by collecting data through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the use of power point media had a positive impact on increasing students' interest and enthusiasm for learning. Students show active and enthusiastic participation in learning by using power point, especially in learning about the mutual cooperation lifestyle. Power point media succeeded in bringing learning closer with innovative approaches and providing interesting variations. Learning media, including power points, have an important role in explaining material and conveying information messages to students. However, there are still obstacles in the application of instructional media, such as a lack of understanding of technology by teachers and a lack of adequate technological facilities in elementary schools. Nonetheless, the use of power point media in learning at SDN Bima Cirebon City has succeeded in increasing student interest in learning.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Learning Media, Teacher Creativity, Implementation, Student Learning Interest, Observation</em></p> Ajeung Zahra Pebrianti, Oktavia Windasari Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENERAPAN PROFIL PELAJAR PANCASILA ELEMEN BERIMAN, BERTAKWA KEPADA TUHAN YANG MAHA ESA DAN BERAKHLAK MULIA UNTUK PENGUATAN KARAKTER PESERTA DIDIK DI SDN 3 GEBANG KULON <p><em>The Pancasila student profile is a form of embodiment of lifelong students who have character and behavior in accordance with Pancasila values. Indonesian students are students who believe and are devoted to God Almighty, their faith, piety, and noble morals towards themselves, fellow humans, nature and also their country. This research aims to determine the application of the Pancasila student profile, elements of faith, devotion to God Almighty and noble character to strengthen the character of students at SDN 3 Gebang Kulon. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative, namely describing the application of the Pancasila student profile at SDN 3 Gebang Kulon through habituation. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. The results of research conducted by researchers at SDN 3 Gebang Kulon have implemented the Pancasila student profile well through the habits carried out by the school, including: routine activities, spontaneous activities, exemplary activities and programmed activities.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keyword: Pancasila student profile, Character, Independent Curriculum</strong></p> Alda Enjelina Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENERAPAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN MIND MAPPING MELALUI MODEL PJBL UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KREATIVITAS PESERTA DIDIK <p><em>The objectives of this research are Can find out the creativity of students after the application of mind mapping learning media using the project based learning learning model in Science subject in Ecosystem material in SDN Prapag Lor 02. This type of research uses Classroom Action Research Methods . The results of this study indicate that The creativity of students increased after the application of Mind Mapping learning media by using the Project based learning learning model for the subject matter of Ecosystem Science for students. This can be seen from the first cycle of students being able to exceed the KKM score, namely as many as 26 (74%) students, originally only 10 (26.31%) students who achieved the KKM score. Meanwhile, in the implementation of cycle II, 32 (91%) students achieved the KKM score. So that it can be concluded that the creative abilities of students in using Mind Mapping media with the Project Based Learning Learning Model in the Ecosystem Science material subject can increase the creativity of students.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Mind Mapping, Project Based Learning, Creativity, Ecosystem</em></p> Aliya Ikrimah Iska, Aliet Noorhayati, Fanny Septiany Rahayu Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENERAPAN TEKNOLOGI SEBAGAI INOVASI PEMBELAJARAN DI SDIT MUHAMMADIYAH KOTA CIREBON <p><em>This research is a literature study with a descriptive qualitative research type with a literature review that seeks to describe the role of educational innovation in digital technology-based learning. In this study, the authors used various written sources such as articles, journals, and documents that were relevant to the study in this study. This literature study focuses on the role of educational innovation, digital technology in education, and the use of technology in education. The results of the study show that innovation is a process of renewal and change. The world of education requires innovation to continue to grow and be able to keep up with developments in other fields. The use of technology has both positive and negative impacts. The resulting impacts can be focused on positive things and minimize negative impacts if there is good cooperation from various parties so that the use of technology is according to its purpose. The role of educational innovation in digital technology-based learning is very important. Innovation is needed so that the use of digital technology can be carried out optimally and comprehensively. It is hoped that all elements of society can support and collaborate to optimize various educational innovations based on digital technology. The presence of technology at this time, it is hoped, can be put to good use by all parties such as teachers and students Other educators.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Education, Technology, Impact.</em></p> Anita Putri Hamzah, Niyang Ayu Firdiana Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENGARUH MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN POWER POINT TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR SISWA KELAS V SD <p><em>This study aims to find out how much student learning outcomes in the control class in PPKN learning in subtheme 1, to find out how much student learning outcomes in the experimental class in PPKN learning in subtheme 1 and to find out how much power point learning media influences student learning outcomes in class V This research used a quantitative approach with an experimental method in the form of pretest-postets control group design. The population in this study was all of class V at SDN 1 Beberan Palimanan, totaling 43 students consisting of VA and VB classes. The results showed that the average value was the average value of the pretest in the control class was 44,7 while the average value of the posttest in the control class was 57,8. The average value of the pretest in the experimental class was 57,5 while the average value of the posttest in the experimental class was 76. on the t-test results for both the control class and the experimental class, the postets t-test results were 0.000. This shows that the results of the t-test postets have a sig of 0.000 which shows a significance value of less than 0.05, so the results of the research in this study show that the use of power point media in learning has more influence on student learning outcomes compared to learning without using media.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Learning media, media power point, learning outcomes.</em></p> Arief Hidayat Afendi, Desi Silvia, Hema Widiawati Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KEMAMPUAN MINAT BACA SISWA DALAM PEMBELAJARAN DI KELAS III SD NEGERI CIBULAN 1 DESA CIBULAN, KECAMATAN LEMAHSUGIH KABUPATEN MAJALENGKA <p><em>Reading is very important for students, schools must try to increase students' reading interest through various library activities provided at school, holding competitions related to reading. Interest in reading can be interpreted as an activity that can be done with full ignorance in order to build communication patterns with oneself to be able to determine the meaning of writing and can determine information to be able to develop intellect that is done with patience and feelings of pleasure arising from within him.</em> <em>This thesis aims to identify and analyze the factors that affect the reading interest ability of grade III students at SDN Cibulan 1 Lemahsugih Majalengka quantitatively. Strong interest in reading at the primary school level is an important factor in building a foundation of student learning. This study used a quantitative approach with survey methods and data collection using structured questionnaires. The research sample consisted of 30 grade III students of SDN Cibulan 1 Lemahsugih Majalengka. The collected data is analyzed using statistical techniques such as regression analysis and hypothesis testing.</em><em> The results showed that by carrying out the product moment correlation test, the correlation coefficient value was 0.537 with a significance value of 0.05, so Ho was ommited and Ha was accepted, namely there was a significant corrleation value between varable (X) and variable (Y). </em><em>Thus the proposed hypothesis is accepted, namely there is a significant relationship between influencing factors and the ability of reading interest. In addition, educational factors and the school environment, such as the quality of teacher teaching and library availability, also have a significant impact on students' reading interest abilities.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>factors, reading interest, and ability</em><em>.</em></p> Anih Sumiati, Bagus Nurul Iman, Devi Devi Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM MARKET DAY DALAM MENINGKATKAN JIWA ENTREPRENEURSHIP SISWA SDN 1 TUKMUDAL <p><em>The purpose of this research was to analyze and discuss the implementation of the Market Day program in enhancing the entrepreneurship spirit of the students of SDN 1 Tukmudal. Entrepreneurship is an important skill to develop from childhood, and with the Market Day program, students have the opportunity to learn and develop this skill. Methods of observation and interviews with teachers and students participating in the Market Day program are the methods used to collect data in this study. The collected data was analyzed by applying a qualitative approach in order to obtain a deep understanding of the impact of this program on students' entrepreneurial spirit. The results showed that the implementation of the Market Day program had a positive impact on enhancing the entrepreneurship spirit of the students of SDN 1 Tukmudal. Through this program, students are given the opportunity to develop their creativity in creating and selling products. They learn about planning, financial management, marketing, and interacting with customers. In fact, this program can make students learn to work with teams and build communication and negotiation skills. In the Market Day program, students also learn about responsibility and risk in doing business. They learn to face challenges, make decisions, manage gains and losses and learn from failures and try again. Thus, the implementation of the Market Day program effectively increases the entrepreneurial spirit of Tukmudal 1 Elementary School students. This program provides real-world experience in the business world and helps students acquire skills that will benefit their future.</em></p> <p><em>Keyword : Market day, enterpreneurship, children.</em></p> Dwi Ghina Kurniasih, Lelly Oktafiani, Nita Zulviani, Nugraha Permana Putra Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENGARUH STRATEGI PERMINAN KARTU TRUTH OR DARE TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR SISWA KELAS III DI SD NEGERI 2 SURANENGGALA KULON <p><em>Learning success cannot be separated from interesting and fun learning strategies. With an interesting learning process, students will more easily accept the material presented by the teacher, the game strategy of Truth or Dare is an alternative learning strategy that can increase student motivation, interest in learning, and student learning outcomes in both the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. The purpose of this study was to find out how the strategy of the game Truth or Dare was implemented in class III SD Negeri 2 Suranenggala Kulon and to find out the effect of using the card game strategy Truth or Dare in class III SD Negeri 2 Suranenggala. The method used in this study is the quantitative experimental method, with a Pre-Experimental Design (Non Design) research design. The population used was class III students at SD Negeri 2 Suranenggala, with a total sample of 27 people and sampling using the type of Non-Porobability Sampling. With research instruments in the form of observation, test and documentation. The instrument test that was carried out was the validity test and the reliability test. While the data analysis used was descriptive statistical analysis, with the prerequisite test consisting of the normality test, homogeneity test, Gain index test, and T test. The results of this study were (1) Obtained an average pre-test value of 7.00 with a deviation 0.734. Meanwhile, the lowest pre-test score was 6.00 and the highest pre-test score was 8.00. The average post-test score is 9.22 with a standard deviation of 0.751. The lowest post-test score is 8.00 and the highest post-test score is 10.00. The average student post-test score was 2.22 higher than the pre-test score. (2) The results of the data analysis stated that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted, and it can be concluded that there is an effect of the strategy of the game Truth or Dare on student learning outcomes.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Truth or Dare Card Game Strategy, Learning Outcomes</em></p> Eka Fitri Kurniasih, Erna Labudasari, Nurkholis Nurkholis Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENGARUH DISIPLIN BELAJAR TERHADAP KEMANDIRIAN BELAJAR SISWA KELAS V SDN 1 DURAJAYA <p><em>This study aims to analyze the influence of student learning discipline on the learning independence of fifth grade students at SDN 1 Durajaya. This research is a quantitative research. The research method used is survey method with simple linear regression analysis technique. The subjects in this study were fifth grade students at SDN 1 Durajaya. The population in this study were all students of SDN 1 Durajaya with a total of 417 students. The samples taken in this study were fifth grade students with a total of 30 students. The research instrument used was a student learning discipline questionnaire and a student learning independence questionnaire in the form of a statement. The research data were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis. The research results show that fcount&gt;ftable (0.424&gt;0.005) so it can be concluded that the regression equation is significant. The coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.479 which means that the contribution or magnitude of the influence of learning discipline on student learning independence is 47.9%. This can be seen from the results of the regression significance test which shows significant regression and the description of the research results shows that student learning discipline has a good influence on the learning independence of fifth grade students at SDN 1 Durajaya.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords</strong>: Student learning discipline, student learning independence</em></p> Elsa Yanuar, Bagus Nurul Iman, Muhammad Khozinul Huda Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 RESPON PENGGUNA TERHADAP PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN GAME EDUKASI STEM PEDIA SIAR BERBASIS CONSTRUCT 3 <p><em>This research is motivated by increasingly sophisticated technological developments in the 21st century which also have an impact on the field of education, thus requiring teachers to continue to innovate and create a learning medium. One of the uses of technology in education is the use of digital media or technology-based media that can be used as media in learning. The purpose of this study is to determine the response of users (students and teachers) to the learning media of the Construct 3-based Pedia SiAr STEM educational game. STEM Pedia SiAr is an application accessed via the web that aims to make it easier for students to learn water cycle material. The research method used is descriptive Quantitative. The data collection technique in this study was using user response questionnaires. Data analysis of response results using the SUS formula. The results of the student response questionnaire assessment obtained a score of 81.25 and is included in the acceptable category with a grade range of B and is declared feasible. The results of the teacher response questionnaire assessment obtained a score of 95 and were included in the acceptable category with a grade range A and were declared very feasible.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Learning media, Technology, Science, Teacher and student responses</em></p> Eliya Rochmah, Erna Labudasari, Eva Fauziyah Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALISIS HUBUNGAN SEKOLAH DENGAN ORANGTUA SISWA DALAM MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS PENDIDIKAN DI SDN BIMA KOTA CIREBON <p><em>School is an educational institution that has a very important role in creating a generation that is superior, qualified and able to compete with various challenges that continue to change from year to year. The challenges faced must be accompanied by further development and improvement in the implementation of good management so that the implementation of education can run well and synergize with each other. The educational environment is everything that happens where the educational process takes place and one of the resources that needs to be managed is the community environment or students' parents (Wati, 2015). According to Mustari (2015), the family is the first and most important informal educational environment in the process of socializing children. In addition, school is a formal educational environment, playing an important role in the process of socialization of children. Thus, formal and informal education must go hand in hand and be in line with how to establish a good cooperative relationship between schools and parents of students so that school programs or activities can run smoothly. School is a social institution in which it cannot be separated from the community environment. Both schools and communities both have interests that cannot be separated (Huda, 2017). Education is very important in the life of every individual. Through education, individuals can develop their potential, gain knowledge and skills, and prepare for the future. Therefore, the quality of education is a crucial factor in creating competent and qualified next generations. The quality of education in a school is strongly influenced by various factors, including the relationship between the school and parents. Schools need help and input from the community and students' parents, on the other hand the community and parents need school services for the continuation of their children's education and to get the desired school programs. Therefore, parents of students must understand clearly what the school's relationship with parents is and the forms of school-parent relationship/cooperation. Schools are the second educational institution after family education and require an important role for the community because schools are in the midst of society and are expected to establish educational cooperation that helps each other between the two (Harini, 2014). It is very important for parents to be involved in various school activities, with the support of various parties, especially parents of students, the education process in schools can be carried out properly and smoothly. So that quality schools can be created and able to compete with other schools. The participation of parents of students in education at school is one of the characteristics of a good school in terms of management, involving the community and parents of students in the educational process is much needed (Fatmawati, 2014).</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: School, Parents, Improving the quality of Education, SDN Bima Cirebon City</em></p> Gita Novita, Rizki Alfariz, Syalsabila Fahda Putri Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROJECT BASED LEARNING TERHADAP PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR IPA MATERI SIKLUS AIR <p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of the project based learning model on improving learning outcomes. This research uses experimental research by using quasi experiments with the type of nonrandomized control group pretest-posttest design. The population in this study was grade V students of SDN 1 Palir, with the sample being class VA as a control class and class VB as an experimental class. The data collection instrumen consisted of multiple choice tests and documentation. The finding show the influence of the learning model on improving the learning outcomes of water cycle material at SDN 1 Palir. This influence can be seen from the results of the Mann Whitney hypothesis test which states that Asymp Sig (2-tailed) has a value of 0.000 which value is &lt; 0.05. If the value of Asymp Significance (2-tailed) &lt; 0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The effect on improving learning outcomes can also be seen from the average score of posttest results in the control class of 70 and the average experimental class of 85. The refore, it can be stated that there is an increase in learning outcomes in experimental classes using a project-based learning model, the results are better than control classes taught in conventional ways.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Learning Model, Project Based Learning, Learning Outcomes</em></p> Aiman Faiz, Diana Setiana, Hasna Sausan Nissa Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENGARUH MEDIA INTERAKTIF WORDWALL TERHADAP MINAT BELAJAR SISWA PADA MATERI SIFAT BENDA DI KELAS V SDN 3 BAKUNG LOR <p>The background in this study is the low interest in learning of fifth grade students at Elementary school Bakung Lor. The problem that occurs is where during the learning process the media used is monotonous which results in students feeling bored and unpleasant. Therefore, researchers apply learning media using Wordwall media. Wordwall media is an interesting application on the browser. This application specifically aims as a learning resource, media, and assessment tool that is fun for students. The objectives of this study are: 1) To determine the application of Wordwall media on the material properties of objects in class V, 2)&nbsp; To determine students' interest in learning after participating in learning with Wordwall media on the material properties of objects in class V, 3) To determine student learning outcomes in using Wordwall media on the material properties of objects in class V. This research is an experimental research with pre- experimental design in the form of intact group comporison design. The population and samples involved were grade V students of Elementary school 3 Bakung Lor as a trial class, grade V students were divided into 2 samples as a control class and an experimental class that was given treatment in the form of applying Wordwall media. The results showed that the average interest in learning obtained from the questionnaire results obtained a score of 88. While the results of research in the experimental class the average interest in learning obtained from the questionnaire results got a score of 92. . Thus it can be seen that the experimental class gets a higher average value of learning interest than the control class. As for learning outcomes in the control class, it shows the achievement of an average pretest result of 78 and an average posttest result of 88. While the research results in the experimental class showed the achievement of an average pretest result of 79 and an average posttest result of 96. Thus it can be seen that the experimental class gets a higher average value than the control class. There is an effect of Wordwall interactive media on student interest in learning the properties of objects in class V Elementary school 3 Bakung Lor (experimental class) Elementary school 1 Sampih, this is evidenced by the results of the t-test which shows the results of the Independent Sample Test Sig.2 Tailed of 0.004 &lt;0.05.&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Keywords</em>: <em>Wordwall media, interest in learning, properties of objects.</em></p> Ikhwan Hikmahwan, Nurkholis Nurkholis, Susilawati Susilawati Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENERAPAN MODEL PBL MELALUI MEDIA LIGHTBOX UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR KRITIS PADA MATERI SIFAT CAHAYA KELAS IV <p><em>The abilities that teachers must have are the ability to think critically, have noble character, and use technology wisely. One of them is using teaching aids or media when learning in class. The purpose of this study is to apply simple concrete light box learning media assisted by problem-based learning models that can be useful for improving students' critical thinking skills, especially on the nature of light material in grade 4. In this case the researcher uses a problem-based learning model through light media box to improve critical thinking skills on the nature of light. This research was conducted at SDN Kartini 5 Cirebon City with a total sample of 26 students using the One Group Pre test-Post test Design technique. The approach used is a quantitative descriptive approach with experimental methods. The data collection instruments in this study were questionnaires, test questions and student activity observation sheets. The results of this study based on hypothesis testing show that the correlation test between variables X and Y variables obtained a significance value of 0.000 which means that there is a relationship or relationship between variables X and variable Y. Meanwhile, the Pearson Correlation value between variables X and Y variables is 0.085 indicating that the correlation number is in the strong category, which means that the relationship between the Application of the PBL Learning Model through the Light Box media to Improve Critical Thinking Ability in Material Properties of Light can be said to be successful in its application in class IV SDN Kartini 5, Cirebon City.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords: </strong>Problem Based Learning Learning Model, Media Light Box, and Critical Thinking</em></p> Aliet Noorhayati Sutisno, Fanny Septiany Rahayu, Indah Lestari Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENGEMBANGAN LEMBAR KERJA PESERTA DIDIK (LKPD) BERBASIS PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PBL) UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN PEMECAHAN MASALAH PESERTA DIDIK <p><em>Teaching materials are all forms of materials used to assist teachers in carrying out the learning process in the classroom. One of them is the Learner Worksheet (LKPD). The LKPD developed is Problem Based Learning (PBL) based LKPD to improve students' problem solving skills. PBL-based learning model is a learning model that involves students to solve a problem. Problem solving ability is the ability of learners to solve a problem encountered and solve problems they face in everyday life.aims to improve the problem solving ability of students. This research uses a Research and Development or R&amp;D approach. The method used in this research refers to the Borg and Gall development model. The research instruments used in this study are observation sheets</em><em>. The data obtained in this study used descriptive techniques to analyze data from media experts, material experts, and linguists. While qualitative data is converted into quantitative by giving a score of 0-4 on each aspect observed in accordance with the indicators that appear. The score obtained is divided by the maximum score divided by 100%, then converted. This research was conducted at SDN 2 Panguragan. LKPD was validated by material experts, media experts, linguists and obtained a score of 12 (100%) including in the "Very Valid" category. Furthermore, the limited group trial obtained a score of 24 (82%) including the "Good" category. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the development of Problem Based Learning (PBL) based Learner Worksheets (LKPD) to improve students' problem solving skills on the theme of human and animal organs in grade V SD is feasible to use as teaching materials in the learning process at school.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: LKPD, Problem Based Learning, Problem Solving Ability of Students</em></p> Aiman Faiz, Isnaeni Nur Hikmah, Sati Sati Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALISIS KEMAMPUAN MENULIS PERMULAAN SISWA KELAS 1 UPTD SDN 1 KRASAK <p><em>Objectives of grade 1 writing ability. Factors causing grade 1 students at UPTD SDN 1 Krasak still experience learning difficulties in beginning writing skills. To describe the learning outcomes of grade 1 students at UPTD SDN 1 Krasak regarding learning difficulties in beginning writing skills. To find solutions to learning difficulties in initial writing skills experienced by students in grade 1 UPTD SDN 1 Krasak and make evaluations for teachers in carrying out learning initial writing activities using appropriate learning strategies. Elements of observation and interview methods in qualitative research. The subjects in this study were grade 1 students at SDN 1 Krasak for the 2022/2023 school year, with a total of 33 students. While the object of this study is the initial writing ability of grade 1 students, using a descriptive qualitative approach. In this study the instrument to be used is the observation sheet. UPTD SDN 1 Krasak grade 1 students have difficulty writing and some students hold pencils incorrectly which can cause writing difficulties, namely: writing the alphabet backwards, letters do not use spaces, letterforms are illegible and font size is too small and large students have difficulty writing at the beginning is a problem in class 1 UPTD SDN 1 Krasak. The results of the research on writing the beginning of fine motor skills that have not yet been developed, students experience difficulty in controlling the movement of the hand holding a pencil correctly. lack of prior experience in writing. lack of understanding of the shape of letters and the alphabet. lack of motivation and interest. lack of support and guidance at home.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: initial writing difficulties, research method, approach</em></p> Asih Wahyuningsih, Fikriyah Fikriyah, Lulu Fatimah Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 POLA ASUH ORANG TUA MENINGKATKAN DISIPLIN BELAJAR SISWA KELAS V SD NEGERI 2 TANJUNGANOM KECAMATAN PASALEMAN KABUPATEN CIREBON <p><em>The lack of learning discipline among students is influenced by several factors, including weak parental attention to their children because parents are always busy with their work, the impact of social interaction in the student environment, the development of electronic media and lack of access to democracy from parents. Researcher used qualitative descriptive research methods because this study explores the phenomenon of the parenting process improving student learning discipline at SD Negeri 2 Tanjunganom, Pasaleman District, Cirebon Regency. In addition, this study was also inductive and the results emphasize meaning. This research reveals that parenting (authoritarian, permissive, democratic) affects students' discipline and learning independence. Internal (responsibility, motivation) and external (family, school, community) factors are very influential. Democratic parenting supports students' discipline and independence. In conclusion, the role of parents and the environment in shaping learning discipline is very important. The results suggest the improvements in improving student discipline and learning independence. Principals need to fix rules, teachers set an example, parents provide motivation and support, and students abide by rules and responsibilities. Synergy between schools, parents, teachers, and students is key in forming effective learning disciplines.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords:</strong> Learning Discipline; Parenting; Role of Parents.</em></p> Maman Rohman Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 IDENTIFIKASI POLA PERILAKU PESERTA DIDIK UNDERACHIVEMENT DALAM PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA KELAS V DI SD NEGERI 2 SETU KULON <p><em>This research is motivated by the experiences of underachieving students during the process of learning mathematics. These students exhibit behaviors that are influenced by their educators, peers, and parents, resulting in underachievement or below-average academic performance. The objective of this study is to understand the behavior patterns of underachieving students during mathematics lessons in fifth grade. The research methodology employed is qualitative descriptive research, which aims to delve deeper into the underachievement phenomenon. The research findings reveal distinct behavior differences between achieving students and underachieving students. Achieving students tend to display positive behaviors such as high motivation, self-confidence, and creativity, while underachieving students exhibit negative behaviors such as easily giving up, avoidance, rebellion against educators, and selective socialization.The study also outlines the learning outcomes of underachieving students in the fifth grade. These underachieving students consistently display disruptive behaviors that significantly impact their learning outcomes. Throughout the discussion, this research underscores the importance of support from educators and the learning environment in assisting underachieving students to overcome obstacles and reach their learning potential. Steps to transform negative thought patterns, develop self-confidence, and address avoidance behaviors emerge as crucial factors in facilitating the academic development of underachieving students.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Underachieving Students, Learning Outcomes, Educators</em></strong></p> Naimatul Zannah, NUrkholis Nurkholis, Susilawati Susilawati Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER DISIPLIN SISWA MELALUI KULTUR SEKOLAH <p><em>Strengthening character education in the current era is an urgent thing to do considering many events that show a moral crisis such as a lack of discipline among children, adolescents and adults. This study aims to find out more about the formation of student discipline character through school culture. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research with an inductive approach. This research was conducted at SD Negeri 4 Kenanga with the research subjects, namely teachers and students. The data analysis used was observation, interview, and documentation. The results showed that SD Negeri 4 Kenanga has its own way of shaping the discipline character of students, namely through school culture. The formation of students' disciplinary character through school culture at SD Negeri 4 Kenanga includes welcoming students, singing national and regional songs, Friday lectures (cermat), garbage picking movement (GPS), and morning literacy.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords:</strong> Character Education, Discipline, School Culture</em></p> Nining Raningsih, Fikriyah Fikriyah, NUrhayati Nurhayati, Nur'aeni Nur'aeni Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK MELALUI PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN TEAMS GAMES TOURNAMENTS (TGT) <p><em>The purpose of this study was to improve social studies learning outcomes through the application of the Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) learning model. This research is classified into classroom action research conducted in two research cycles. In each cycle there are four stages of research consisting of planning, action, observation and reflection. The subjects involved in this study were 23 students of class IV UPTD SD Negeri Sumurjaya. Data collection in the study was carried out using a post-test which was used to measure learning achievement after learning the social studies subject matter that had been given. The data obtained in the study were then analyzed using descriptive data analysis, namely by finding the average value of students, the percentage of learning completeness. The results of the research analysis showed that there was an increase in learning outcomes between cycle I (total 1450, average 63.04, learning completeness 56.5%), and cycle II (total 1995, average 86.73, learning completeness 91.30%). There was an increase in learning outcomes between cycle I and cycle II, showing an increase in learning completeness by: 34.8% from cycle I to cycle II. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the application of the TGT learning model in class IV UPTD SD Negeri Sumurjaya students can significantly improve social studies learning outcomes.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Learning outcomes, Social Studies (IPS) Learning, TGT learning</em> model</p> Aiman Faiz, Nurhalisa Nurhalisa, Sati Sati Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENGUASAAN KOSA KATA BAHASA ARAB DENGAN PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN MAKE A MATCH PADA KELAS V SEKOLAH DASAR <p><em>Arabic is the second international language after English. Arabic in Indonesia has a strategic role because Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world. Arabic in Indonesia is studied in educational institutions, both formal and non-formal. An example of a formal institution is an educational institution in elementary schools/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah to tertiary institutions. To understand the language properly requires mastery of vocabulary, therefore Arabic vocabulary is very important. It is known that students’ mufrodat (Arabic vocabulary) is low in learning Arabic because the selection of learning models or methods does not match the learning objectives. The research method used is a qualitative survey method. This article aims to improve the mastery of Arabic vocabulary in fifth grade elementary school students by applying the make a match learning model. The application of the make a match learning model shows that students can more easily master Arabic vocabulary, and learning will be more fun and meaningful.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords</strong></em> :<em> Learning Model, Arabic Language, Elementary School, Make A Match, Vocabulary</em></p> Firda Asri Nur'aeni, Mauliani Azzahra, Ragil Sunita, Sati Sati, Tafriziah Tafriziah Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PERAN GURU DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN KARAKTER SISWA DI SD MUHAMMADIYAH 01 KOTA CIREBON <p><em>Character education is a major issue in national education in Indonesia, the urgency of character education in this study is carried out at the elementary school level, because at the age of 6-12 years is the right phase and the first step to instill character education in children. So as a whole the teacher has carried out these five roles to achieve the vision at SDI Muhammadiyah 01 Kota Cirebon which is closely related to the character education of students, one of which is the printing of noble genarations. The embedded character values of the teacher's role are religious, honest, tolerant, disciplined, hard work, creative, and responsible. This is in accordance with the character values according to the Government in the Research and Development agency, Curriculum Center of the Ministry of National Education.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords</strong>: teacher's role, character education, students</em></p> Adzra Altraf Hasanah, Rifki Ardiasyah, Sati Sati, Teguh Hamdani Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN MEDIA INTERAKTIF (VIDEO) TERHADAP MINAT BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK DI KELAS V SDN 1 PANYINDANGAN KULON <p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of the use of interactive media (video) on the learning interest of students in grade V SDN 1 Panyindangan Kulon. Based on the background of the problems in this study, namely (1) the science learning process with the help of technological media has not been optimal because of inadequate facilities and infrastructure. (2) Students are easily bored and lack understanding of the material so that they are engrossed in their own activities in their seats. (3) out of 37 students in class V only 10 people achieved KKM results in the evaluation of science learning. The types used in this study are quantitative research with experimental research methods, one group pre-experiment design with data collection techniques, namely Tests (Pre-test and Post-test), Questionnaire Techniques and documentation. The subjects in this study were grade V students of SDN 1 Panyindangan Kulon with a total of 37 students. The results obtained in this study are: (1) The application of the use of interactive video media in science subjects, single substance and mixed substance materials carried out in grade V SDN 1 Panyindangan Kulon, Indramayu Regency can increase interest in learning which can be proven by an increase in the average questionnaire of 2.05 as well as an average increase in the pretest and posttest of 9.19. (2) The influence of the use of interactive video media on learning interest can be known from the results of hypothesis testing using paired sample t-test with SPSS version 29 program, obtained data on the significance value of pretest and posttest answer results, which is sig. 0.001 &lt; 0.05 which based on the criteria means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords</strong>: Video, Learning Interest, and Quantitative</em></p> Anih Sumiati, Bagus Nurul Iman, Rina Novi Rosiana Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALISIS MANAJEMEN BERBASIS SEKOLAH (MBS) ASPEK IKLIM SEKOLAH DALAM PENINGKATAN MUTU DI SDN 1 TUKMUDAL, KAB. CIREBON <p><em>This study aims to improve the quality of education by giving schools autonomy in making decisions and developing a conducive learning environment at SDN 1 Tukmudal. In the context of school climate aspects, MBS can have significant potential. School climate refers to the social, cultural and environmental atmosphere that exists in the school. A positive school climate can create a conducive environment for students to learn, grow and develop optimally. The results of the study show that there are several potentials for school-based management such as: (1) Stakeholder involvement (2) Fostering an inclusive school culture (3) Focusing on social and emotional development (4) Encouraging open communication (5) Empowering students: False one of the principles of MBS is student empowerment (6) There is ongoing monitoring and evaluation. School (MBS), which is a model of education management, gives autonomy or independence to school members and encourages decision- making that involves the participation of every school member so that independence can be created for the quality of education.<br></em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>MBS, MBS Potential, School Climate</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Fani Silfiyana, Shefira Mahardika Nursahid Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Efektivitas media video pembelajaran terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas 3 pada tema 8 (praja muda karana) <p><em>In line with the increasingly advanced development of science and technology, it demands that human resources be able to keep up with the times, one of which is in the aspect of education. In the learning process at school, educators need learning media when conveying material as a tool used by educators so that material is more easily accepted by students. Because science and technology that continues to develop requires educators to be able to apply technology-based learning media in order to keep pace with and keep up with the increasingly sophisticated currents. Such as learning media in the form of learning videos. This research was conducted with the aim of looking at the effectiveness of applying learning video media to student learning outcomes in thematic learning themes 8 grade 3 at SDN Kebon Baru 4, Cirebon city. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach and experimental research methods. The samples taken were 28 grade 3 students at SDN Kebon Baru 4 Cirebon city. Data collection techniques used in this study were direct observation, interviews, pretest and posttest tests in the form of cognitive tests. The results of this study through the results of the paired samples t test show that learning video media is said to be effective in improving student learning outcomes in thematic learning in grade 3 because in the results of testing the data the significance value of the paired samples t test is 0.000, which means there is a difference in pre-test scores and post test scores after the application of learning video media in thematic learning class 3 at SDN Kebon Baru 4. In other words the application of instructional video media in class 3 thematic learning is effective and influences the results of the post test.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>learning media, learning videos, thematic learning.</em></p> Aliet Noorhayati Sutisno, Apip Muhammad Rizki, Siti Alfina Damayanti, Siti Fariha Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR KRITIS PESERTA DIDIK MATERI PERUBAHAN WUJUD BENDA (IPA) MELALUI METODE EKSPERIMEN <p><em>In optimizing a learning process, teachers should use appropriate learning methods to achieve learning objectives. Teachers should use the experimental method because students will be given the opportunity to experience it firsthand so that students can think critically to solve a problem. The aim of this reseach is to find out the critical thinking skills of fifth grade students at SDN 2 Marikangen in learning natural science material about changes in the shape of objects through the experimental method. This study used Classroom Action Research (CAR) from Kemmis and Mc model. Taggart. The research instrument used observation and tests. Data analysis in this study uses quantitative data analysis and qualitative data analysis. Based on the results of the research, the pre-cycle data obtained, 23% or 7 students who could think critically, increased in cycle I to 61% or 19 students who could think critically, and in cycle II it increased again to 94% or 29 students who can think critically. In addition, student learning outcomes have also increased. So, it can be concluded that the application of the experimental method to learning natural science material changes in the form of objects is proven to improve students' critical thinking skills at SDN 2 Marikangen. So that this research can be said to be successful.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords</strong>: Critical Thinking, Experimental Method, Learning Outcomes</em></p> Aliet Noorhayati Sutisno, Hanikah Hanikah, Siti Farhah Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 MENUMBUHKAN ANTUSIASME BELAJAR MELALUI MEDIA AUDIO VISUAL PADA SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR SD MUHAMMADIYAH 1 CIREBON <p><em>In the 21st century, the focus of learning has shifted from teacher to student. Educators must be able to develop learning methods in accordance with developing technology. Currently, students are not interested in learning if the lesson is only centered on the teacher and theoretical material. Thus, audio-visual media, such as learning videos, can serve as a support for active, meaningful learning and foster student enthusiasm. The aims of this study were to: 1) determine the level of students' enthusiasm for learning through audio-visual media; and 2) knowing the impact and interest of students in learning activities through audio-visual media. This research was conducted at Muhammadiyah 1 Elementary School, Cirebon City. This type of research is descriptive qualitative using data collection techniques, namely direct observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that if learning is given only through lectures, students tend not to pay attention and are engrossed in themselves. Whereas when learning uses audio- visual media students feel very happy and excited after the lesson is presented with audio-visual media, namely learning videos. Therefore audio-visual media can increase students' enthusiasm for learning in elementary schools.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords</strong>: Learning media, audio visual, learning enthusiasme</em></p> Apri Pamungkas, Ika Novitasari, Suci Lestari, Sati Sati Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Peran Guru dalam Meningkatkan Keaktifan Siswa melalui Media Power Point pada Pembelajaran IPS <p><em>The background of this research is that educators experience difficulties when teaching, especially in social studies learning in class V, because students are less focused when participating in the ongoing learning process. Students are more silent when asked by the teacher. The class atmosphere when the learning process took place still felt passive. This study aims to increase the activeness of students through the use of powerpoint learning media in social studies class V SDN 2 SENDANG. This research is using descriptive research method. The subjects and locations for this were SDN 2 SENDANG students, totaling 30 students. Data collection techniques are observation techniques, interviews and documentation. Data processing was carried out using a qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the research show that the learning gain of students increases and is completed both individually and classically.</em></p> <p><em>Keyword: IPS, Media Power Point, Increase</em></p> Asih Wahyuningsih, Dian Dwi Agustin, Lastri Jayanti, NUrullia Cahya Putri, Syafi'ur Rohman Nurapiyan Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PEMBENTUKAN PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DALAM PERSPEKTIF PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DI SD MUHAMMADIYAH 2 KOTA CIREBON <p><em>This article discusses the formation of character education in the perspective of Islamic religious education at Muhammadiyah 2 Elementary School, Cirebon City. Character education is an important aspect of education that aims to form a quality personality in students. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research approach. The data used are interviews, observation analysis and analyzed descriptively qualitatively. From the findings analyzed that Islamic religious education is the main foundation in the formation of Islamic character and morals of students of SD Muhammadiyah 2 Cirebon City as an Islamic-based school, has a significant role in shaping student character according to Islamic religious values. Islamic religious education is very important to know the formation of students' personalities, with the formation of their character, namely obeying religious orders in the form of worship and having good morals. In this case the application of Islamic religious education adds a sense of piety to Allah SWT and akhlakul karimah is a manifestation of the faith that is believed by everyone.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords : </em></strong><em>Characrer Education, Islamic Religious Education</em></p> Alvina Nurul Janah, Anisa Agustin, Aris Fadly, Velen Ariskayanti Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Implementasi pembelajaran kreatif dalam meningkatkan minat belajar siswa sekolah dasar <p><em>Students' lack of interest in learning can be influenced by less innovative learning that make student felt bored and low motivation&nbsp; students in learning at school. Therefore, teacher have to create innovative learning to be well received by students. </em><em>In addition, when learning that can be created very innovative it will also have an impact on the creativity of its students. The purpose of this research is to know learning method suitable to students to improve motivation. As well as the relationship between the application of innovative learning with student learning interest. Qualitative research is a research model applied in this study. Data collection techniques with analysis techniques through documentation. The data analysis technique is the analysis of several journal articles or someone's writing. The results of the study indicate that there is an influence between innovative learning and students' learning interest. In addition, innovative learning has benefits, including: eliminate boredom in learning, increase students' interest and enthusiasm.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords</strong> : Interest in Learning, Innovative, Learning, Creativity, Benefits of innovative learning</em></p> Jhony Nus, Khaeriyah Khaeriyah, Widia Nur Jannah, Widiya Muharommi Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENERAPAN SITUATION-BASED LEARNING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN PEMECAHAN MASALAH MATEMATIS PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 <p><span class="fontstyle0">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis<br>siswa kelas VI melalui penerapan pembelajaran Situation-Based Learnig pada layanan guru<br>kunjung di masa pandemi covid-19. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian<br>tindakan kelas menggunakan model spiral Kemmis &amp; Taggart, yang terdiri dari dua siklus.<br>Setiap siklus terdiri empat tahapan, yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, refleksi, dan observasi.<br>Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VI SD Negeri 2 Kenanga Kabupaten Cirebon<br>yang berjumlah 23 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi tes dan observasi. Instrumen<br>yang digunakan adalah soal tes, lembar observasi aktivitas siswa dan guru. Hasil penelitian<br>menunjukkan bahwa 1). Terjadi peningkatan nilai rata-rata kelas dari 62,87 pada pra siklus<br>menjadi 74,96 pada siklus I dan 84,43 pada siklus II. 2). Jumlah siswa yang tuntas belajar<br>meningkat dari 9 sisiwa (39%) pada pra siklus menjadi 17 siswa (74%) pada siklus I dan 20<br>siswa (87%) tuntas pada siklus II. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran<br>dengan menerapkan model Situation-Based Learning dapat meningkatkan kemampuan<br>pemecahan masalah matematis pada masa pandemi covid-19</span> </p> Ropiah Ropiah, Hanikah Hanikah Copyright (c) 2023 Mon, 25 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700