
  • Gita Novita Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon
  • Rizki Alfariz Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon
  • Syalsabila Fahda Putri Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon


School is an educational institution that has a very important role in creating a generation that is superior, qualified and able to compete with various challenges that continue to change from year to year. The challenges faced must be accompanied by further development and improvement in the implementation of good management so that the implementation of education can run well and synergize with each other. The educational environment is everything that happens where the educational process takes place and one of the resources that needs to be managed is the community environment or students' parents (Wati, 2015). According to Mustari (2015), the family is the first and most important informal educational environment in the process of socializing children. In addition, school is a formal educational environment, playing an important role in the process of socialization of children. Thus, formal and informal education must go hand in hand and be in line with how to establish a good cooperative relationship between schools and parents of students so that school programs or activities can run smoothly. School is a social institution in which it cannot be separated from the community environment. Both schools and communities both have interests that cannot be separated (Huda, 2017). Education is very important in the life of every individual. Through education, individuals can develop their potential, gain knowledge and skills, and prepare for the future. Therefore, the quality of education is a crucial factor in creating competent and qualified next generations. The quality of education in a school is strongly influenced by various factors, including the relationship between the school and parents. Schools need help and input from the community and students' parents, on the other hand the community and parents need school services for the continuation of their children's education and to get the desired school programs. Therefore, parents of students must understand clearly what the school's relationship with parents is and the forms of school-parent relationship/cooperation. Schools are the second educational institution after family education and require an important role for the community because schools are in the midst of society and are expected to establish educational cooperation that helps each other between the two (Harini, 2014). It is very important for parents to be involved in various school activities, with the support of various parties, especially parents of students, the education process in schools can be carried out properly and smoothly. So that quality schools can be created and able to compete with other schools. The participation of parents of students in education at school is one of the characteristics of a good school in terms of management, involving the community and parents of students in the educational process is much needed (Fatmawati, 2014).

Keywords: School, Parents, Improving the quality of Education, SDN Bima Cirebon City


