Problem Based Learning in Teaching Students' Speaking Skill: The Implementation

(Observation to The English Teacher of First Grade SMK Kartika XIX 3 Kota Cirebon Learning in Using the Pbl to Improve the Speaking Skill)


  • Fathul Mubarak UMC
  • Dila Charisma Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon
  • Hanif Nurcholish Adiantika Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon




The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Problem Based Learning in Improving Students' Speaking Skills in English Courses and increasing English vocabulary acquisition among school students.  The research was conducted at SMK Kartika XIX 3, a vocational school in Kita Cirebon, West Java.  With 1 English teacher and 10th grade students selected as the sample. This study uses checklist observations and interviews to find out the implementation applied by the teacher in learning activities in class.  The results of the research show that on the material that has been given by the teacher to each group. In conclusion, the findings of this study indicate that from the results of the research analysis, it is known that teaching speaking using PBL has contributed to improve students' speaking skills.  From the research observations the teacher has prepared assessments and student worksheets for each group, there is one meeting which is followed by a description related to the details of the activities. By using PBL, students learn to speak effectively and directly to the team and present their ideas clearly in order to solve a given problem.


Keywords: Implementation, problem-based learning, speaking skills.



Education is very important for the development of a country. Therefore, the need for improvement and the quality of education must be improved for the achievement and success of education itself.  The quality and quality of education is determined by several factors such as teaching staff, education system, educational curriculum, educational facilities, facilities and infrastructure and learning resources.  According to Hung (2008), Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a curriculum that plans learning to achieve an instructional goal. PBL is a learning model that initiates students by presenting a problem for students to solve.

According to Charisma and Khomarudin (2019) In accordance with the problems of students who are less interested in language teaching and learning due to the lack of teacher skills in technology to prepare learning media, this present study introducesone of the language learning media to promote students’ speaking skill Speaking is the ability to pronounce articulation sounds or words to express, state, and convey thoughts, ideas and feelings. One type of learning in speaking is conversation, conversation can be practiced by conducting conversations orally or directly or with telecommunication media such as telephone.  The ability to speak is important to be mastered by students at the SMA/SMK level because this ability is directly related to the entire learning process of students at school.  The success of students in participating in the teaching and learning process in schools is largely determined by the mastery of speaking skills.  Students who are less able to speak properly and correctly will have difficulty in participating in learning activities.

In this study, the authors used an interview instrument to observe the one of Vocational School teachers as research, because the instrument according to the author is more effective, we can get information such as primary data straight from the source and the writer uses semi-structured interviews is by making a list of questions before conducting the interview. From the interview, data obtained that at Vocational School for the first grade in learning English using the PBL method, namely the teacher has not fully implemented PBL, such as not dividing students into groups to make the class effective, students are not active in learning. After the author has read several articles related to the PBL method, in general, teachers who make learning fun in implementing English learning use the problem-based learning method in which the teacher presents several problem topics and divides students into groups and makes active learning where the teacher also uses several media and videos in teaching.

Whereas in reality, this Vocational School has not used the media to its full potential, but only used report sheets from students and phones as the media. Previously, another method was used, that is turned out to be less effective for Vocational School, so the teacher uses a digital projector in presenting student reports and displays several video examples that are in accordance with the material being taught. Based on the initial research observation to the first grade of Vocational School the students' speaking skill was still unsatisfied. There were some indicators of students' low speaking skill, in example: (1) mispronounce of English words; (2) limited vocabularies; (3) poor grammar; (4) inability to understand what they learn and they speak who makes the content of students’ speeches cannot be caught; (5) inability to speak fluently.





Definition Of Problem-Based Learning

        Problem Based Learning is one   of   the   methods   offered   by   2013 curriculum. According to Yew (2009:11) in Fahmi et al. (2021), Problem Based Learning is a learning approach that seeks to create a learning environment where students learn in the context of meaningful problems, actively constructing mental models in the process, constructing ideas with peers in a collaborative fashion and developing   self-directed   learning   skills   in   the process.  Thus, PBL brings together four fairly new insights into learning, namely that learning can be considered a constructive, self-directed, collaborative, and contextual activity.

        According to Arends (2001), Problem Based Learning is a learning approach in which students work authentic problems with the intention of constructing knowledge themselves, develop inquiry and higher-order thinking skills height, develop independence and self-confidence.

        According to Fahmi et al. (2021) the PBL curriculum was develop in order to stimulate learners, assist them in seeing the relevance of learning to their future life, maintain their motivation towards learning in high level, and to show the learners to be responsible.  The use of PBL has expanded from medical study to various education areas such as science, law, math, education, economic, business, social studies, engineering, etc.

So, PBL is teacher's learning strategy or method by making a comparison of the problem provided with easy, free-form problems through stimulation from teacher to student in learning.


Implementation of PBL

       Abdalla and Gaffar (2011:15) state that there are three steps in implementing PBL in teaching learning process.

  • First session of PBL

The purpose of this phase is to discuss the objectives of Problem Based Learning which include challenging students’ knowledge and experience in order to solve the problem given to them. In this phase, the group has to set up their roles   and   responsibilities   in   group   discussion including leader of the group, secretary and also member of the group. The duration of this session should be 1-2 hours. Following the first session of PBL, students will have several days to study individually to manage the task given by the teacher.

  • Second session of PBL

The aim of this session is to share what students have learned individually before to solve the problem. The duration of this session should be 1-2 hours.  Meanwhile the objectives of this session   are   train   them   to   be   active   thinker, cooperate with others, responsible for the task given to them, learn how to inform others and gat early feedback on result of learning process.

  • Third session of PBL

The duration of the last session should be 1-2 hours.  The aim is to create the discussion forum where the students can ask the expert concerning to the problem given before.  They have to share their result of group discussion in front other groups to get feedback from them.


Definition of Speaking Skill

        In improving student achievement, one of the supporting factors is the level of ability of the student. The higher the level ability, the more superior the student achievement. Speaking is an interactive process of conveying messages or information and, if necessary, followed up by listeners.  This skill gives us the ability to convey information orally or verbally and in a way that can be understood by other people or listeners. 

          Definition of speaking specifically also stated by Derakhshan, Khalili, & Beheshti, 2016 in (Parmawati & Inayah, n.d.) Speaking is a production skill that falls into two main categories: accuracy and fluency. Accuracy consists of the use of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation through several activities, fluency takes into account "the ability to keep going when speaking spontaneously.

          According to Sukma & Rochmawati (2020) Speaking skill in English is a one's skill to convey his thoughts to anyone orally.  However, speaking skills are difficult to develop if they are not continuously trained can be done with colleagues in the class, all English lecturers, or lecturers others who can speak English.  The goal is to improve speaking skills enrich the use of vocabulary, improve language structure, improve speech vocabulary, English sentences, and train your hearing so you can easily catch messages from the interlocutor.


Types of Talking

        Classification of speaking can be done based on its purpose, situation, the way it is delivered, and the number of listeners (Zyoud, 2016) . The details are as follows:

  • Speak on purpose

Speaking based on its purpose can be divided into three, namely:

  1. Speaking informing, reporting, and informing

Informative speaking means the type of talk that only has goals to inform something to others, using goals so that people understand.

  1. Talking entertaining

Entertain Speaking has the nature of entertaining, to entertain.  The style of communication in entertain speaking is very flexible and depends on the situation and conditions at that time.  We can find this type of communication when watching entertainment programs on television, such as talk shows, stand up comedy, and so on.

  1. Speak to persuade, invite, convince, and move.

Speak on purpose

Speaking to persuade (speech for persuasion).  Persuasive speech is talk that tries to change the way your audience perceives an idea or a product or a person and so on.

Speaking based on its purpose is divided into two, namely:

  • Speak formally

Formal language is a great way to feel comfortable speaking differently to other people in different situations.  Formal speech is also important in many ways, but one of the reasons is to clear up misunderstandings in a professional environment while helping anyone sound polite.

  • Speak informally

Informal language is language that is usually used for daily conversation with friends or colleagues in the office when relaxing.  Informal language vocabulary is more varied and relaxed




Research Design

        The type used in this research is analytical descriptive which is understood as one of the studies aimed at describing various phenomena that exist both natural and non-natural, Because the instruments used are observations and interviews that will be described and described through the sentence that has been assembled in the previously arranged.

Object and Subject of the Research

           The location of this research is one Vocational School in Cirebon. The main subject of this research is to find out how the problem-based learning method is to be applied to the English Teacher at Vocational School. The use of the previous method seems less effective for some teachers, but it seems that for others it depends on the teacher's views and beliefs.  In particular, this research wants to:

  • Knowing how to apply the problem-based learning method in class X
  • Knowing how effective the method is.
  • Observing that the method affects students' speaking skills


Data Collecting Procedures

        The main data collection techniques in this study were interviews, observation and documentation.  Data collection is done naturally at the data source.  Data collection techniques in qualitative research at SMK Kartika:

  1. Interview

        The interview is a means of re-checking or proving information or information previously obtained.  The interview technique used in qualitative research is in-depth interviews.  In-depth interviews are the process of obtaining information for research purposes by way of question and answer while face to face between the interviewer and the informant or interview, with or without using an interview guide, where the interviewer and informant are involved in social life relatively long.

        Some things that need to be considered by a researcher when interviewing respondents are voice intonation, speaking speed, sensitivity to questions, eye contact, and nonverbal sensitivity.  In seeking information, the researcher conducted two types of interviews, namely autoanamnesis (interviews conducted with the subject or respondent) and aloanamnesis (interviews with the respondent's family). Furthermore, interviews can be conducted in a structured and unstructured manner, and can be carried out face to face or by telephone (Sugiyono, 2006; 138-140).

  1. Observation

        Data collection techniques by direct observation of the object under study.  This technique is carried out at an early stage before conducting the actual research, to ensure that the author or prospective researcher introduces himself and asks permission to conduct research from the respondent or the party concerned.

  1. Documentation

        Documentation is one method of collecting qualitative data by viewing or analyzing documents made by the subject himself or by other people about the subject.  A large number of facts and data are stored in materials in the form of documentation.

The research instrument is described in detail below:

  • Observation aims to find out how the teacher uses the problem - based learning method for class tenth students
  • Documentation based on observation and interviews to analyze and interpret data
  • Documentation for supporting data that the research is really making observations.

        That the author has conducted research and the results obtained are facts that occur in the field.


Research Instrument

The research instrument is described in detail below:

  • Observation aims to find out how the teacher uses the problem-based learning method for class tenth students
  • Documentation based on observation and interviews to analyze and interpret data
  • Documentation for supporting data that the research is really making observations.


Data Analysis Technique

        Data analysis in qualitative research at Kartika Vocational School was carried out before going into the field, observing, during the implementation of research in the field and after completing research in the field. The research data was obtained from interviews, observation and documentation.  Data analysis was carried out by organizing the data obtained into a category, describing the data into units, analyzing important data, compiling or presenting data according to the research problem in the form of a report and making conclusions so that it is easy to understand. The data analysis technique used was found in this study, essentially using analytical techniques.


Research Findings


The Implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) as a Way to Improve Students' Speaking Skill EFL Classroom  

        The results of observation on subject an English teacher using Problem-Based Learning was accumulated. This Problem-Based was obtained from observational research at Kartika Cirebon Vocational School, especially in class X with Report Text material. 

        In this observation the teacher has prepared assessments for and student worksheets for each group, there is one meeting that followed by the description related to details of the activities.

  • In the first step "Introduction" where the teacher must direct students to ask what they will do in class. In this case, the teacher is only a facilitator for students.  The teacher did well at the start of this step.  However, the main question asked by the teacher was that students did not match the worksheets given by the teacher.  The teacher begins by asking the question "what is a mammal" which should be replaced with "How can it be called a mammal?"  or “How can we know about mammals”.  For the rest of this step, the teacher has facilitated the students well by providing several videos and slide shows according to the topic.
  • In the second step "Learn and apply" students must report the results of their work that they have done in front of the class by their group. Then, the teacher arranges the order of reports per group.  The teacher gives some goals that students should adhere to in order to complete their work.  Students are welcome to look for some references from the internet and books as a reference for their work for the next meeting.  Anyway, that being said this move was very well done. 
  • In the third step “Monitor students and work progress,” students must complete their previous work report proceeding to the presentation. At this step, the role of the teacher is a facilitator for students.  It was proven that the teacher gave some suggestions and opinions about group work reports.  Reports must be written on paper.
  • In the fourth step "Test Results" students must show a report after going through all the steps. At this step, students must be prepared with their real reports and performance where groups have to read the text on student worksheets to find out the speaking skills of each group. 
  • In the final step of "Evaluating the Experience", the teacher comments on the student's performance. The comments consist of accent, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and understanding.  However, the teacher only made direct comments to the students without giving the other groups the opportunity to comment on the performance of their friends. Problem-Based Learning Procedures that the teacher implements in teaching report texts speak in a row with the theory (Brown, 2004).


Advantages of PBL in Teaching Speaking 

        In interviews that have been conducted by researchers with English teachers for class X regarding the benefits of PBL for students, the answers are as follows

  1. Improving Student’s Critical Thinking

        Based on the data results students get to think more critically and students' creative thinking can be developed in solving a problem which can later be implemented in their daily lives. It can be seen from the data below.

Students can think critically, students are asked to find answers from the material that has been given because the teacher in this latest curriculum becomes a facilitator where the teacher only gives sufficient directions and explanations and then the students continue to look for the material being taught on that day's topic. Help children to "pursue" their curiosity.  Completing curiosity can be a way for children to learn about the world. Also try to encourage children to explore, ask questions, or do things differently.

Siswa dapat berpikir kritis siswa diminta mencari jawaban dari materi yang sudah diberikan karena guru pada kurikulum terbaru ini menjadi fasilitator di mana guru hanya memberikan arahan dan penjelasan secukupnya lalu dilanjut oleh siswa untuk mencari materi yang diajarkan pada topik hari itu. Bantu anak untuk “mengejar” rasa ingin tahunya. Menuntaskan rasa ingin tahu bisa jadi cara belajar anak untuk mengenal dunia.  Coba juga untuk mendorong anak-anak mengeksplorasi, mengajukan pertanyaan, atau melakukan berbagai hal secara berbeda.

  1. Creating Student’s Problem Solving

        The result of the PBL implementation has increase the ability to solve problems in students independently. The results of the implementation of PBL have increased the ability to solve problems in students independently.  Students can work on and answer assignments given by the teacher independently such as looking for answers from other reference sources such as books, the internet, or discussing with their groups.  It can be seen from the data below.

        PBL makes students able to solve problems in material or discussions that are carried out or faced by groups.  For example, when the group presented in front of the class to report the results of their report, there were other groups who asked about the shortcomings of the report.  Automatically the group that receives the question will be a solution in finding and providing answers to the group that asks. In teaching problem solving, attention must be paid to the four steps of problem solving, namely: understanding the problem, planning a solution, solving the problem according to plan, and checking again. The teacher must pay attention to the problem model and the level of difficulty, as well as the allocation of teaching time.


PBL membuat siswa menjadi bisa mengatasi masalah dalam materi atau diskusi yang dilakukan atau dihadapi kelompok. Contoh ketika kelompok tersebut presentasi di depan kelas untuk melaporkan hasil laporannya ada dari kelompok lain yang menanyakan kekurangan dari laporan tersebut. Otomatis kelompok yang mendapat pertanyaan akan solutif dalam mencari dan memberikan jawaban pada kelompok yang menanyakan. Dalam pengajaran pemecahan masalah harus diperhatikan empat langkah pemecahan masalah, yaitu: memahami masalah, merencanakan penyelesaian, menyelesaikan masalah sesuai rencana, dan memeriksa kembali.Guru harus memperhatikan model soal dan tingkat kesulitannya, serta alokasi waktu pengajaran.


  1. Engaging Student’s Motivation

        Based on the data results PBL has increasing student’s motivation in learning. With the teacher as a facilitator students become more active in doing the assignments given because students become more active when the teacher provides other reference sources in finding answers.  And students become more active because of discussions with other groups. It can be seen from the data below.

        When PBL is commonly applied to students in teaching and learning activities.  Students will be interested in how PBL works in their learning environment.  Like they will be more daring to speak in front of the class to give opinions and reports made by the group.  Because the beginning that was made was a group that raised the student's self-confidence so that motivation emerged in each lesson where the student was more active. Provide study material then make questions and students do the assignments well with the aim of growing students' motivation in the learning process so that students can complete them completely.


Ketika PBL sudah biasa diterapkan kepada siswa dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Para siswa akan tertarik dengan bagaimana PBL dalam kondisi pembelajaran mereka. Seperti mereka akan lebih berani berbicara di depan kelas untuk memberikan pendapat dan laporan yang dibuat kelompoknya. Karena awal yang dibuat adalah kelompok yang menimbulkan percaya diri siswa tersebut sehingga muncul motivasi dalam setiap pembelajaran di mana siswa tersebut lebih aktif. Memberikan materipelajaran lalu membuat pertanyaan dan siswapun mengerjakan tugas dengan baik dengan tujuan untuk menumbuhkan motivasi siswa dalam proses belajar sehingga siswa dapat menyelesaikannya dengan tuntas.


        In improving speaking skill student There are some advantages that include of PBL in teaching speaking during learning develops good attitudes and habits of learning towards students when giving assignments by approaching the group one by one and asking if there are any difficulties in working on the student's worksheets.



Teacher's Ability

        According to the results of the interviews, the first shortcoming is related to the teacher's preparation and the way the teacher communicates in the target language during the teaching and learning process.  Regarding teacher preparation, the teacher emphasized that good preparation is needed in using the PBL learning model including material, context, teaching strategies, and media that are relevant to student characteristics.  It can be seen through the interview below.


R: Could you explain how the problem-based learning model learning material more easily understood by students

T: More effective when compared to the Jigsaw Cooperative Learning method and lectures in increasing student achievement in providing material, because by dividing students into several groups it makes it easier for me as a facilitator to give instructions or directions to students.

Lebih efektif jika dibandingkan dengan metode Cooperative Learning Jigsaw dan ceramah dalam meningkatkan prestasi siswa dalam memberikan materi, karena dengan membagi siswa menjadi beberapa kelompok memudahkan saya sebagai fasilitator untuk memberikan petunjuk atau arahan kepada siswa.


R: How to use the problem-based learning model to check the understanding of each student in group discussions

T: The syntax or steps of problem-based learning/PBL are; 1) orient students on the problem, 2) organize students to study, 3) guide individual and group investigations, 4) develop and present results, 5) analyze and evaluate the problem solving process.  The teacher's role in problem-based learning is to present problems, ask questions, and facilitate investigation and dialogue.  The teacher also plays a role in creating a classroom environment in which an exchange and sharing of ideas occurs in an open, sincere and honest manner.

Sintaks atau langkah-langkah pembelajaran berbasis masalah/PBL adalah; 1) mengorientasikan siswa pada masalah, 2) mengatur siswa untuk belajar, 3) membimbing penyelidikan individu dan kelompok, 4) mengembangkan dan menyajikan hasil, 5) menganalisis dan mengevaluasi proses pemecahan masalah.  Peran guru dalam pembelajaran berbasis masalah adalah menyajikan masalah, mengajukan pertanyaan, dan memfasilitasi penyelidikan dan dialog.  Guru juga berperan dalam menciptakan lingkungan kelas di mana pertukaran dan berbagi ide terjadi secara terbuka, tulus dan jujur.


R: Could you explain how by using the problem-based learning model that students are more active in the learning process

T: By providing interesting phenomena in learning material and giving the material to each group.  Then the teacher can ask questions to provoke student activity or enthusiasm in learning.

Dengan memberikan fenomena yang menarik dalam materi pembelajaran dan memberikan materi tersebut kepada masing-masing kelompok.  Kemudian guru dapat mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan untuk memancing aktivitas atau semangat siswa dalam belajar.


R: How the tudents use the problem-based learning model to express their answers

T: Groups or students can make steps − steps in the Problem-Solving method starting from preparing clear issues/problems to be solved, presenting problems, collecting data or information that can be used to solve these problems, formulating hypotheses, testing hypotheses and, then concluding and presentation in front of the class to report the report they have done

Kelompok atau siswa dapat melakukan langkah-langkah dalam metode Problem Solving mulai dari menyiapkan isu/masalah yang jelas untuk dipecahkan, menyajikan masalah, mengumpulkan data atau informasi yang dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut, merumuskan hipotesis, menguji hipotesis dan, kemudian menyimpulkan dan presentasi di depan kelas untuk melaporkan laporan yang telah mereka kerjakan.


R: Could you explain how the learning outcomes and attitudes of students' cooperation after using the problem-based learning model

T: Students get to think more critically and students' creative thinking can be developed in solving a problem which can later be implemented in their daily lives, then increasing the ability to solve problems in students independently, then increasing student motivation in learning.

Siswa dapat berpikir lebih kritis dan berpikir kreatif siswa dapat dikembangkan dalam memecahkan suatu masalah yang nantinya dapat diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kemudian meningkatkan kemampuan memecahkan masalah pada diri siswa secara mandiri, kemudian meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam belajar. (Interview#1 29/03/2023).


        The interview indicates that teacher prefers the PBL learning model in certain lessons because it makes it easier for the teacher to explain a material and attracts students' attention more. Teachers must prepare themselves well before implementing PBL in learning.  Because it is the teacher's way of designing lesson plans that are effective and efficient in conveying material, and the basis for managing the class.  According to Based on observations, the teacher gives students various types of material and types of media, especially videos and power points.



Table 1. Students Ability




















































Group 1

















Group 2

















Group 3

















Group 4

















Group 5

















Group 6

















Score = total score ÷ 20 X 100

A: Accent

G: Grammar

V: Vocabulary

F: Fluency

C: Comprehension



         This sub-chapter discusses about discussion which contains the The Implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) as a Way to Improve Students' Speaking Skill EFL Classroom and Teacher's Voice of Problem Based Learning in Speaking Class.

  1. The Implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) as a Way to Improve Students' Speaking Skill EFL Classroom

        Based on the results of research and observations that have been made with apply the problem-based learning method to the material of analyzing the structure of the text with the report of text in class X Vocational School Kartika Cirebon can be classified as follows:










        On the material that has been given by the teacher to each group.  The conclusions obtained from the score of each group which is composed by the chart that has been made as follows.  In group 1, a score of 70 was obtained, in group 2, a score of 75 was obtained, in group 3, a value of 65 was obtained, for group 4, a score of 65 was obtained, group 5 was obtained by a score of 65, and group 6 was obtained by a score of 85. In the group that received a score of 65, the lowest score was  2 with the accent category.  Where groups 1, 3 and 4 get a score of 2 in the accent category.  Then for the highest score obtained by group 5, namely with a score of 85 where the average value of each category is 4.

Teacher's Voice of Problem Based Learning in Speaking Class

        In the interviews that were conducted with the teacher, the results were obtained where the teacher used the PBL learning model well where the teacher gave and implemented PBL steps in accordance with the provisions.  The results of the interviews show that teachers prefer the PBL learning model in certain lessons because it makes it easier for teachers to explain a material and attracts students' attention more.  Teachers must prepare well before implementing PBL in learning.  Because of that, the way teachers design lesson plans is effective and efficient in conveying material, and forms the basis for managing the class.  According to observations, teachers provide students with various types of materials and types of media, especially videos and power points.

The second research question is to find out the responses to the use of problem-based learning in improving students' speaking skills.  From the results of the student worksheets that have been given to each group, it shows that PBL is suitable for speaking methods where several groups of five to 6 students show the ability to speak indicators such as accent, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension.  Of the six groups, two groups got the highest scores of 85 and 75 and the other groups got scores of 70 to 65.



  1. How is the implementation of learning in speaking skills using the problem-based learning method at one of Vocational School.

From the results of the research analysis, it is known that teaching speaking using PBL has contributed to improve students' speaking skills. From the research observation the teacher has prepared assessments for and student worksheets for each group, there is one meeting that followed by the description related to details of the activities.  By using PBL, students learn to speak effectively and directly to the team and present their ideas clearly in order to solve a given problem.

  1. How is teacher's voice of the implementation of problem-based learning in teaching speaking at one of Vocational School?

As such, it answers the main research question, which is that implementing problem-based learning in speaking classes helps students improve their speaking skills in terms of accent, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and grammar.  In fact, not all students can improve their skills significantly. In terms of student responses, students feel some of the advantages of PBL in learning English and PBL can motivate them to improve their speaking skills.  Among the five speaking criteria, two showed improvements: grammar and vocabulary.  Students' speaking ability has improved because PBL has given them stimulation and encouraged them to present their ideas.





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