Al-Mufassir: Jurnal Ilmu Alquran, Tafsir dan Studi Islam <p>Al-Mufassir, Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur’an, Tafsir dan Studi Islam</p> <p>Program Studi Ilmu Al-Qur’an dan Tafsir Fakultas Agama Islam</p> <p>Jl. Fatahillah, Watu Belah Sumber Cirebon</p> LPPM UMC en-US Al-Mufassir: Jurnal Ilmu Alquran, Tafsir dan Studi Islam 2723-3111 TAFSIR MUQARAN AYAT POLIGAMI DALAM KITAB TAFSIR AL-MANAR DAN AL-MUNIR <p>The discourse and practice of polygamy in Islam still gives rise to differences of opinion. The same thing happens among commentators. This study analyzes al-Nisa` chapter verse 3 which incidentally is often used as a reference in polygamy from the perspective of the thoughts of two contemporary interpretive figures with different scientific and socio-historical backgrounds, namely Muhammad Abduh in Tafsir Al-Manar and Wahbah Az-Zuhaili in Tafsir Al-Munir. This comparative descriptive research is a literature review. This research attempts to find similarities and differences between two figures regarding the meaning of An-Nisa` chapter verse 3, especially regarding polygamy. The results of this research show that Muhammad Abduh views polygamy as something that is very difficult for someone to do in the current era. This cannot be separated from the requirements of polygamy, namely finding justice, especially inner justice, which is difficult to realize and the resulting impact is more likely to cause harm or damage. Meanwhile, Wahbah Az-Zuhaili tends to relax the practice of polygamy, for example in various conditions, such as barren wives, large numbers of women and the interpretation of the concept of material justice. The differences between the two figures occur due to socio-historical conditions and the methods used in interpreting a verse. Muhammad Abduh tends to use his rational mind in interpreting a verse. Meanwhile, Wahbah Az-Zuhaili refers to the textual reasoning of the Koran. However, both have similarities in that they both make the concept of justice an absolute requirement for someone to allow polygamy.</p> Alhadi Zaenal Abidin Ahmad Zainal Abidin Karinatur Rofi’ah Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Mufassir: Jurnal Ilmu Alquran, Tafsir dan Studi Islam 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 6 2 97 117 10.32534/amf.v6i2.6132 NALAR MANTIQI DALAM USUL FIQH IMAM AL-SYATIBI <p>This article aims to trace the extent of the reliability of the logical foundation of Usul Fiqh Imam Syatibi which until now has been developed massively and scientifically accepted from all over the world. In fact, when there was a polemic on the status of Qat'i Usul Fiqh, al-Syatibi went against the current of the majority of scholars who said that Usul Fiqh was Dzonni. Al-Syatibi was of the view that Usul Fiqh was Qat'i. His thinking stating that Usul Fiqh was Qat'i became the forerunner of the independence of maqasid al-syari'ah as an independent branch of science. The data analysis technique to handle this research problem is the Miles and Huberman model. The data analysis method used is content analysis, while the approach used is the philosophy of logic. The results of this research are that the foundation of Usul Fiqh al-Syatibi is Aristotelian logic, he is able to provide a solution to the debate on schools of thought by returning furu' issues to Usul based on the foundation and systematic thinking logically or mantiqi logic.</p> Ahmad Zaeni Copyright (c) 2025 Al-Mufassir: Jurnal Ilmu Alquran, Tafsir dan Studi Islam 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 6 2 118 133 10.32534/amf.v6i2.6976 KESEHATAN MENTAL DALAM PERSPEKTIF AL-QURAN <p><em><strong>Abstract.</strong></em> Mental health is an important aspect of human life that affects emotional, psychological and social well-being. In recent years, the number of mental health disorders has increased globally, including in Indonesia. This phenomenon emphasizes the need for a more holistic approach in dealing with mental health problems. In a predominantly Muslim society, the Qur'an offers principles that can be used as a solution in maintaining mental health. This study aims to examine the concept of mental health in the Qur'anic perspective and the principles that can be applied in everyday life. Using a qualitative method based on literature study, this research identifies various Qur'anic verses related to mental health. The results showed that the Qur'an provides guidance in managing stress, anxiety, and uncertainty in life through the concepts of faith, tawakal, patience, gratitude, and dhikr. This study confirms that a Qur'an-based spiritual approach can be an alternative in maintaining mental health holistically, especially in facing the challenges of modern life.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Mental health, Qur'an, spirituality.</p> Dede Nurwahidah Masripah Masripah Santi Rismayanti Copyright (c) 2025 Al-Mufassir: Jurnal Ilmu Alquran, Tafsir dan Studi Islam 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 6 2 134 145 10.32534/amf.v6i2.6994