Al-Mufassir: Jurnal Ilmu Alquran, Tafsir dan Studi Islam <p>Al-Mufassir, Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur’an, Tafsir dan Studi Islam</p> <p>Program Studi Ilmu Al-Qur’an dan Tafsir Fakultas Agama Islam</p> <p>Jl. Fatahillah, Watu Belah Sumber Cirebon</p> LPPM UMC en-US Al-Mufassir: Jurnal Ilmu Alquran, Tafsir dan Studi Islam 2723-3111 USLUB JADAL DALAM AL-QUR’AN DAN IMPLEMENTASINYA DI ERA DIGITAL <p>Jadal or debate in the Qur'an is a complex and structured process of discussion, in which arguments, critical thinking, and logic are used to explore the truth and strengthen beliefs. The Qur’an teaches the principles of healthy and fair debate, such as the use of strong evidence, rejection of inappropriate arguments, and respect for the debater. The contemporary implementation of jadal refers to applying the principles of debate taught by the Qur'an in a contemporary context. This involves the use of fact-based arguments, respect for dissent, and the ability to develop a deep understanding of complex issues. By adopting the Qur’anic values of Jadal, modern society can develop critical thinking skills, enhance intercultural dialogue, and create a more productive and meaningful discussion environment. This article uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a literature study design. Data were collected through literature searches using academic databases, some of books, and sources indexed by Sinta, Semantic Scholar and Google Scholar. The data was analysed descriptively by summarising and organising the findings from the selected literature. It was found that jadal has several definitions, types, methods, and its implementation in today's world, especially in the digital era.</p> Muhamad Ma'ruf Roqqi Amrullah Niken Larasingtyas Hamidatul Layla Kojin Kojin Ahmad Saddad Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Mufassir: Jurnal Ilmu Alquran, Tafsir dan Studi Islam 2023-12-15 2023-12-15 5 2 16 33 10.32534/amf.v5i2.5871 DUALITAS PERAN SANTRI TAHFIZ PONDOK MODERN DARUL HIKMAH TAWANGSARI <p>The duality of the role of Tahfiz students in Indonesia is increasingly widespread with the existence of Islamic boarding schools, especially Tahfiz Islamic boarding schools, which are starting to integrate the Tahfiz program with formal schools. One of the interesting boarding schools for research is Pondok Modern Darul Hikmah which integrates the tahfiz program with formal schools while emphasizing the use of Arabic and English as languages ​​of daily communication. In this way, the tahfiz students of Pondok Modern Darul Hikmah have two important roles that must be carried out. From this research, researchers found that the dual role of Islamic boarding school students at Pondok Modern Darul Hikmah (as memorizers of the Qur'an as well as students) is indeed difficult, but they can carry it out with balance and full responsibility. Even though there are several factors that become obstacles, they can still get good academic grades without neglecting their memorization targets</p> Husnul Amira Ayu Cintana Mumtazah Al ‘Ilmah M. Muntahibun Nafis Salamah Noorhidayati Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Mufassir: Jurnal Ilmu Alquran, Tafsir dan Studi Islam 2023-12-15 2023-12-15 5 2 1 15 10.32534/amf.v5i2.5882